/ Hand pump for water. Scheme, instruction

The pump is hand-made for water by hand. Scheme, instruction

If on the site you have a well or well,then a pump will be needed to use them. It can be tame, but you can make it yourself. Lifting the liquid with such equipment can be by using pressure. Installation will be powered by a person's effort, you only need to press a special lever mechanism. For the reason that the operation of such facilities involves the use of physical force, rational use of them will be justified only when the water demand is negligible.

Before making a manual water pumpwith their own hands, it is necessary to take into account that the speed of water lifting and the volume of liquid can not be compared with an automatic system, but if it is impossible to bring an uninterrupted water supply system to the territory, this format of the device is indispensable.

Features of hand pumps

hand pump for water

A manual method of extracting water from a well or wellhas its pros and cons. Among the positive features can be distinguished simplicity of equipment and ease of installation. A system of this type can be used in any conditions. This equipment allows you to save resources, because to operate the system does not require power connection. Due to the fact that the device has unified units, the equipment has a long service life.

If you decide to make a manual water pumpwith their own hands, it should be noted that its cost will be significantly lower compared with analogues that have more complex design features. This also applies to the case when the pump is purchased from a store. When commissioning the equipment will be able to significantly save, because the process can be done independently, without attracting outside help.

If you make a manual water pump for yourhands, then initially it is necessary to take into account some of its disadvantages, which consist in the need to exert physical strength for the functioning of the system. The capacity of the equipment will be low, which means that the supply of liquid will be limited. Despite the negative aspects, hand pumps today do not lose their relevance, they are still common, and in some cases are irreplaceable.

Classification of hand pumps

manual water pump

Whether the device has a manual waterpump, they perform the same functions, but their design features, as well as the principle of operation may differ. Depending on the criteria, manual mechanisms can be classified into two categories, one of which is piston pumps, the other is piston pumps. Piston pumps are used when the water lies at a shallow depth - up to 10 meters. The principle of operation of such an installation is quite simple. A manual water pump of this type is a steel cylinder with a piston inside it. Under the influence of an external force, it moves up and down, and the lifting is done by a person, thereby the liquid exits through the hole, while lowering the lever results in filling the space with water over the piston. The selection of equipment can be done independently, and also install it on your own site.

Deep Hand Pump

hand pump for well

Pump hand-made for water with your own hands can beIt is also based on the construction of a deep type. It is a complex mechanism that is used to pump water from a well, the depth of which is 10-30 meters. A similar design has a cylinder, a stem, and a piston. A hand pump for a rod-type well is mounted directly in the well or well, while the equipment rod is immersed in the aquifer at a depth of 1 meter. In order to understand what equipment to manufacture or purchase, you need to determine the main selection criteria.

Manual Pump Selection

pumps for water for cottages

Before choosing a hand pump, you need to considerdepth of the well or well, which are the most important criteria for the manufacture or purchase of equipment. In order to raise water from insignificant depths - up to 10 meters, you can apply a simple mechanism of the piston system.

Installation method

pump drawing

A hand pump for a well can assumedifferent ways of installation. Before you start to make a pump, you need to think whether it is necessary to move it to another object during operation. Such a need often arises when water is taken from a river for economic needs, and for drinking - from a well or well. It is important to take into account the period of operation. The main element of the pump is a piston located in the pipe. You can find models that are designed for year-round operation or for use only in the summer, in the latter case the body is made of plastic. If you decide that you need such a design, you can pre-prepare the drawing of the pump.

Manufacturing technology of hand pump

pump circuit

You can make a hand pump from your helperstools and materials. It is important to pay special attention to the manufacture of the case, for it you can use a steel cylinder, which can be a metal tube, you can use an old sleeve, borrowed from a diesel engine. The length of the workpiece to be reflected by the pump circuit should be approximately 80 cm, while the diameter should exceed 8 cm. In order to improve the quality of work, it is necessary to penetrate the inner base of the pipe using a machine. When carrying out these works, you need to try to get rid of the surface of the metal from all kinds of irregularities, so you will facilitate the efforts that will be necessary to raise water.

Manufacturing of pump components

Water pumps for cottages should havecover, for their manufacture you need to use plastic or steel. In the cover it is necessary to make holes for the rod. After the design is ready, it will be necessary to place the piston in its internal space. After the bottom is closed with the same lid, which has a valve. In the lateral part, a tube must be fixed with the help of a welding device, through which water will be fed.

Piston installation features

When pumps for water for a summer residence are made,When making a piston, you can use wood, steel or plastic. The main requirement is that it should be sealed with a rubber ring. When installing this structural element, it will be necessary to leave the smallest gap, which should be located between the body and the walls, this will prevent the leakage of water.

Connecting the pipe to the well

The inlet pipe, which delivers water, mustbe as strong as possible. To do this, you need to pick up reinforced hoses. In the next step, it is possible to proceed with the installation of valves, which are the holes created in the piston and the bottom cover of the steel cylinder. The valves will not allow the liquid to return to the inlet pipe. To create, you should use a thick rubber, which you need to strengthen on the hole with rivets.

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