/ / Letter of recommendation

Letter of recommendation

Currently, when a new employee isthe employers increasingly asked to submit a letter of recommendation written by the chiefs of previous jobs. It is for this reason that every employer should know how to write this letter correctly. The article will give the main recommendations how to do it as competently as possible.

A letter of recommendation to an employee must bemandatory to have a title. For convenience of perception, it is necessary to emphasize, for this purpose it is possible to allocate in bold type. After the title, as a rule, the text of the letter itself goes directly.

The first paragraph usually specifies the full nameemployee. After that, it should be noted that he worked in a certain company, in a particular department, and held a certain position. In addition, it is in this paragraph should be information relating to the date of employment and the date of separation.

The second paragraph should contain, and only inseveral phrases, a description of what was the responsibility of this employee for the entire period of work in this company. Specialists in the compilation of these documents recommend placing such information in one sentence.

In the third paragraph, it is more appropriate to indicate what,as a person proved to be during work in the company. Employers, as a rule, point to several qualities of their former employee, which were especially pronounced, as well as other important characteristics that were manifested in the process of professional activity. It is possible to enumerate the strongest traits of character that at one time or another had a positive effect on the entire past working period.

A letter of recommendation usually contains one moreparagraph, which indicates the degree of confidence in the company's governing body that the skills, as well as the acquired experience in the professional field, give the right and the opportunity to recommend it for work in another company. It is also recommended to indicate personal positive features of a person who also influenced his professional and career growth.

The most recent stage in drawing up such adocument, as a letter of recommendation to the employee, is the indication of the post of the writer, his full name and surname, as he issues this document and is responsible for what was written in it. At the very end, a signature, a seal of the organization or company, and the date of compilation are put.

There are some special moments that are necessarytake into account when drafting such an important recent document, as a letter of recommendation. If it is issued not by a private person, but by a company, it will be much better if it is written on a letterhead. It is highly desirable to make sure that all the information that concerns the outgoing employee is placed on one sheet.

As for the formalities, the recommendationthe letter is written in an arbitrary form, without reference to any particular person. It is believed that this is a personal opinion of the head of his employee, which the latter can present to his potential employer.

Often there are situations when the leadersimply there is no time to write such a letter, and it is necessary to write to the employee himself, the boss then simply signs the document. In this situation, the person who composes the letter needs to be very careful and write everything competently, since this document directly determines his future. Written objective information will be the first one that an employer learns about a potential employee. It is the letter of recommendation that creates the initial impression of a person.

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