/ / Gary Ridgeway: biography of the American serial killer

Gary Ridgway: biography of the American serial killer

Gary Ridgeway is one of the most brutal serialmurderers of America. Since the early 80's and until 1998, he committed atrocious crimes against young women and girls. As a rule, a maniac would choose only a fugitive or a light-hearted man, perform sexual intercourse with them, then choke - at first with his bare hands, and then began using a stranglehold. Bodies of naked women without clothes and jewelry serial killer left on the bank of the river Green River. Nevertheless, he was detained in the autumn of 2001. Gary Ridgway confessed to committing 71 murders, although the police managed to prove only 49 of them. Learn more about all this from this article.

Biography of Gary Ridgeway

gary ridgway

Born serial killer in Salt Lake City in the stateUtah in February 1949. The Gary family was complete. He lived with his father and mother. Nevertheless, according to the stories of relatives, the boy's childhood was very difficult because of the difficult nature of his mother. For this reason, the future maniac often had to watch family scandals. Later it will be known that Gary Ridgeway was experiencing sexual attraction and hatred towards his mother.

While studying at school, the future killer is nothad a special intellect. In addition, many of his classmates noted that Gary was quite peculiar and secretive. At the age of 16 he hit a six-year-old boy with a knife. Gary did it only because he wanted someone to take his life.

In high school, the future maniac signed up forthe fleet is a volunteer. He served in the army in Vietnam, where he took part in hostilities. His two marriages ended in divorce. One of the former wives gave birth to his son in 1975. The latter became a Marine and lives in San Diego.

Perfect acts

gary leon ridgeway

Between 1982 and 1998, a maniac raped and killed 49 women. At least only this number of carried out acts is proved by the police.

Ridgeway committed crimes near citiesTacoma and Seattle in Washington. This was mainly in the summer of the 80's and 90's. In most cases, the victims of the maniac were women of easy virtue and fugitive girls, whom the killer picked up on the track. He left the last of the bodies without clothes and ornaments on the bank of a river called the Green River. Hence the maniac and received his nickname - "Assassin with Green River." Women Gary Ridgeway killed in his house, car or in deserted places.

How did

Гэри Леон Риджуэй подбирал женщин и девушек на track. Then I rubbed myself into them with the help of my son's photo. Then the maniac seduced his victims and strangled his hands. Many of the dead strongly resisted. In order not to fall under suspicion because of the scars on his hands left by his victims, Gary later began using a hammer. Thus, the maniac acted very monotonously and for a long time did not attract any attention to himself.

How to become a suspect

gary ridgway photo of the victims

Serial killer Gary Ridgeway tried in every possible wayconfuse the police so that it does not come out on its trail. Maniac even began to leave the bodies of the victims not only by the river, but also in the forest zone. Nevertheless, careful camouflage did not help hide the deed.

В 1983 году одна из женщин легкого поведения, which the killer picked up on the track, told the police that Gary during the sexual act began to strangle her. The latter strongly resisted and was able to escape. Thus, the woman miraculously remained alive.

Уже в 1984 году маньяк весьма успешно прошел тест on a polygraph. This helped him to suspend himself for the time being. Nevertheless, already in 1987, he was taken to study hair and saliva. The analyzes made helped the police in the further investigation.

Interesting facts about the life of a maniac

gary ridgeway serial killer

In 1985, a maniac began to meet with a girl,which in three years became his wife. Later, the latter told reporters that her husband spent a lot of time outside their home. He explained this by taking extra shifts at work.

Ridgeway himself told reporters that,as he met his wife (Judith Mawson), his craving for committing atrocious crimes was weakened. The latter, in turn, later said that, having become the wife of Gary, she saved several lives. In addition, it became known that the serial killer and his wife preferred to make love in nature. When the former spouse showed these places, the detectives were shocked. It was there that the remains of bodies of murdered women and girls were found.

The arrest took place

Serial killer was finally detained by the policeand arrested in late November 2001. The basis for this was the samples of his analyzes, which, according to the DNA of the examination, completely coincided with the traces of seminal fluid and hair that were found on the bodies of the victims of the maniac.

First, Gary was accused only of 4 murders,which he committed about two decades ago. Later, three more women were added to this number of victims. Because the bodies of the latter were found traces of paint, which was used in the enterprise where the maniac worked.

Two years after Gary's arrest,charged with 48 murders. This was enough to deprive maniac life, using the death penalty. Nevertheless, the authorities agreed to a brutal murderer. Because in return for a life sentence, Gary promised to show those places where the rest of his victims were buried.


gary ridgway movie

The bloodiest maniac in the history of the United States wassentenced to 48 terms of life imprisonment without the possibility of release. In addition, the court appointed him 480 years of imprisonment for the fact that he hid the evidence. At the meeting, the maniac cried a lot and begged forgiveness from the relatives of the dead.

Filmed a film about Gary Ridgeway

In 2005, the viewer's court was representedmotion picture "Murderer from the Green River", based on real events. The main character here is himself Gary Ridgeway. Despite the fact that the movie was supposed to be documentary, its content is slightly different from what it really was. In the film, Gary has a house, a beautiful wife and son. The maniac's wife constantly refuses to be intimate with him, because her head hurts. The serial killer leads the house of women of easy virtue, makes love to them, and then deprives them of life. In addition, the actor who played the role of Gary, does not look like the latter in reality.

Number of victims

Initially, a maniac admitted guilt only incommitting forty-eight murders. In addition, he pointed to the places where the police found the remains of the bodies of raped and smothered women. In the future, Ridgeway stated that he had carried out 62 murders.

In February 2011, over the brutal maniac againthe court took place. He was accused of murdering a 20-year-old girl. The involvement of the maniac to the deed was proved. Nevertheless, the court did not change the verdict.

According to some sources, the bloody maniac confessed tocommitting 71 murders. In the list of victims only young women and girls. Age - from 12 to 38 years. They were all killed by Gary Ridgeway. A photo of the victims is shown below.

gary ridgeway interview

No remorse

Lawyers who carried out the protection of a maniac, notcould believe that the murders of women were committed by such a kind and quiet person as Gary Ridgeway. Interview last did not give up. In addition, when talking with reporters, he said that he regrets that he did not bury the bodies of many of his victims. Nevertheless, the maniac did not regret that he committed such atrocities, that through his fault, young women and girls lost their lives.

gary ridgway biography

Also maniac stubbornly hid what he lovedto carry out sexual acts with the corpses of their victims. But over time, he spoke about his "unhealthy addiction." On the question of why he did it, he answered very simply: "You did not have to pay for this." The bloody killer did not consider himself a sick man. When conducting a forensic psychiatric examination, he did not reveal any abnormalities. Despite the fact that he studied very poorly at school, he always had a very good memory. In addition, it is worth noting that his level of intelligence is equal to 83.

He also had four cars in his usedifferent colors and brands. For this reason, the maniac could not be calculated by the police for such a long time. Even detectives were confused by how thoughtfully the serial killer works.

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