/ / Pension reform: the latest news. Pension reform in Russia

Pension reform: the latest news. Pension reform in Russia

Pension reform in the Russian Federation isan important point that worries the entire population. After all, every taxpayer transfers certain funds to the Pension Fund of Russia. And at one fine moment he has the opportunity to get money back, only in the form of a pension. In Russia, the system of support for citizens who have gone on a well-deserved rest, constantly suffers some changes. What news can be heard about this component of the population? What information can be considered as real changes, and what information can be considered myths and gossip? Now a lot of talk goes on pensions. Therefore, you should know exactly what to prepare for.

Cancellation of pensions working

The first news that caused a wavePublic discontent is the abolition of pensions for working pensioners. Pension reform in Russia of this type implies that citizens who, after reaching the age at which they can retire, continue to work, will cease to provide financial support from the state.

pension reform

Иными словами, упразднят пенсии для работающих pensioners. There are two options for interpreting this news. The first states that the condition will take effect in 2016 and will apply only to those who earn more than 1,000,000 per year. It turns out 83 thousand rubles a month. Such citizens will not be paid a pension. In the second pension reform indicates the termination of payments by the state for all retired citizens who continue to work. Neither the income nor the experience of the role will not play.

At the moment, such reforms are considered a myth.And if pensions to working citizens are removed, then the first scenario will be closer. So far, all people who have reached retirement age in Russia receive financial support from the state in one size or another.

Pay Limit

The next news also applies to workerspensioners. Some say that people want to limit financial support if people are officially employed. In fact, they plan to reduce cash payments to pensioners.

Новости пенсионной реформы такого типа - обман.Now in Russia, systems are being worked out that will help to recalculate money. But there are no hard limits. Is that pension payments can not be less than the subsistence minimum per person. Therefore, you should not be afraid of such news. In the government, on the contrary, they think how to save and even increase pensions.

Suspension of indexing

На этом обсуждения не заканчиваются.Pension reform for working pensioners in 2016 still took place. But only she is not too noticeable. The thing is that in Russia there is a mandatory indexation of pension payments. But working pensioners will not receive indexed payments. Instead, they are entitled to financial support from the state without any promotions.

pension reform news

That is, at the moment in the country, citizens who have reached retirement age and continue to work, receive a pension, which was put at the end of 2015. They do not have any indexing.

Mandatory Indexing

However, this does not mean that the pensionThe reform in Russia completely cancels the increase in the sums paid to pensioners. This is not true. After all, the suspension of indexation applies only to employed citizens. All the rest will receive an increased pension in Russia. At the moment, all payments are indexed by 4%. In 2016, citizens had to increase the amount that the state pays for reaching the retirement age by 2 times. And this rule was fully respected. It turns out that for non-working pensioners there are no features. All the same indexing, all the same payments. Even the procedure for the appointment of financial support remained unchanged.


News of pension reform in the country on thisare running out. There are always some questions about this topic. For a long time in Russia they plan to raise the retirement age. Is it true? Yes, there has been talk about raising the retirement age for several years. Now in Russia, women have the right to care for a well-deserved rest at 55, men get this opportunity at 60. But, as practice shows, many people do not stop working even after this age.

pension reform in Russia

This prompted the idea that citizenstoo early go on a well-deserved rest. In most countries, the retirement age is much higher. And it helps to replenish the state budget. New pension reform implies a gradual increase in the retirement age. So, women want to extend the ability to work up to 60, and men under 65, respectively.

Consequences of "age reform"

What are the consequences may increaseretirement age? Now in Russia, many remain unhappy with this prospect. It has not yet been realized, but it is already known that someday the news will become a reality. Indignation was caused by the fact that the Russian government tried to be equal to other countries and did not take into account the average life expectancy of a person in the country. Thus, women live on average up to 77, and men up to 65 years. It turns out that almost many men will not receive pension payments if they are engaged in raising the age at which they are allowed to officially go on a well-deserved rest. For this reason, innovation has so far decided to postpone. But at the same time they talk about a gradual increase in the retirement age. Every six months, it is planned to increase it by 6 months.

Seniority and points

Pension reform in the Russian Federation has ledcountry to the fact that now it uses the so-called point scoring system. For each year worked, a citizen is credited with certain "points". At the end of the pension will depend on the total number of points. So far, citizens need 30 points. And the number of pensions to be paid in the form of pensions depends not only on points, but also on the cost of one point at the time of getting retired.

year of pension reform

The point system does not please everyone.But it was introduced and in the near future the government does not plan to revise it. Therefore, citizens should remember that now, when calculating a labor pension, not only the length of service, but also the number of points gained during the entire period of work will be taken into account.

Changes in the conditions of appointment of pensions

What else has the pension reform prepared for the population?The last thing that really interested citizens is the conditions for the appointment of payments. It has already been said that it is planned to raise the retirement age. Also, to receive financial support from the state (not social), you must have 30 points. But the changes do not end there.

To go on a well-deserved rest and receivecash from the country, will require 7 years of work experience. And this is regardless of the points from the citizen. Previously, this period was 5 years. In 2016 it increased to 7. And this “bar” will increase up to 2024. It is planned to bring the minimum work experience for retirement to 15 years. Such changes now provides for pension reform. The latest news indicates that this is not a myth, but a reality.

Two parts of one

The following information can no longer be considered new.But far from everyone knows about it anyway. The thing is that pensions are now formed mainly at the expense of citizens. Payments were divided into 2 parts: insurance and savings. The first is paid on a mandatory basis. It is guaranteed by the state. Accumulation depends directly on citizens and is usually formed in non-state pension funds. You can leave it in the state fund. The main thing is to transfer part of the income to the selected organization from time to time, thereby postponing old age.

pension reform last

The formula according to which it is necessary to calculate the money paid to pensioners, has the form P = B * K + C + LF, where:

  • P - monthly pension;
  • B - the number of pension points accumulated by a citizen;
  • K - the cost of one point;
  • C - the insurance part of the pension (established by the state annually);
  • LF - funded part (formed by a citizen).

Many say that it is now plannedrevise this scheme. In fact, it is not. The system remains the same. And in the near future no one will change it. The year of pension reform is over. But there are still some news that excited pensioners.


Pension reform in Ukraine remindschanges in Russia. In the neighboring country at the moment it is planned to introduce a multi-component calculation of the allowances, the same as it is now in the Russian Federation. This is not too scary, so the population is not very afraid of such changes, because pensions will still be transferred.

pension reform latest news

Only in Russia there were rumors thatIn 2016-2017, the government can “freeze” pensions, or rather their accumulative parts. It is proposed to completely exclude such a component when calculating pension payments to the population. Nevertheless, this step should not be feared, either. According to the government, in 2016-2018 it is not planned to “freeze” the funded part of the pension. But how things will be further - a mystery that has not yet been revealed.

Lump sum payment

Pension reform in the Russian Federation in 2016year, forced many citizens to think about self-postponing their old age and not hoping for an increase in pensions. The world is now in crisis. And in Russia too. In such circumstances, the indexation of pension payments has become impossible. Therefore, in 2017, all pensioners (employed and non-working) instead of indexing in January will be paid a lump sum of money. How many? 5 000 rubles. And all other payments will remain the same. The government reported that there are no funds for indexing. Therefore, it is necessary so far to act in this way.

new pension reform

And just this news is not a myth.This is an established law. Now it remains only to wait for 2017. It is not known what other changes may affect the pension system in the Russian Federation. But even the government recommends independently to worry about savings for old age. Indeed, in times of crisis, sometimes you have to make serious decisions. The population should be ready for them. It remains only to follow the latest news. Maybe very soon the pension system will be completely revised again.

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