/ / Obtaining Russian citizenship for citizens of Ukraine - what has changed?

Getting citizenship of the Russian Federation for Ukrainian citizens - what has changed?

In connection with the latest dramatic events,which occurred in Ukraine, the number of people wishing to acquire Russian citizenship has significantly increased in this country. The flow of migrants, previously consisted mainly of people looking for a better share and well-paid work, has now been replenished with refugees. How did the State Duma and the Federal Migration Service react to the changing situation?

General order

Obtaining citizenship for citizens of Ukraine

Till now reception of citizenship of the Russian Federation for citizensUkraine was legally and procedurally regulated by the clauses "Regulations on the order of consideration of questions of citizenship of the Russian Federation" of 14.11.02. According to this document, to obtain a Russian passport a foreign citizen arriving on Russian territory is required to register with local authorities and apply for registration and obtaining a residence permit. In the case of a positive decision, the holder of this document, while still a foreign citizen, should get to Russia for five years before receiving a coveted passport. This way is the longest and hardest.

A special case is the Crimea

acceptance of citizenship of the citizens of Ukraine

Mass acceptance of Russian citizenship by citizensUkraine occurred after the reunification of the Crimea peninsula with the main territory of the country. Passports simply changed, the procedure was simplified as much as possible. The majority of the population of the autonomous republic in a referendum expressed a desire to become Russians, and it was technically impossible to observe formal rules, and, in fact, there was no need.

For special services

Obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation for Ukrainian citizensis considerably simplified in some cases, namely: during the contract service for three years in the Russian army (according to the fourth part of Article 13 of the Federal Law) or with special merits before the country. The requirements for permanent residence, the preliminary receipt of residence permits and temporary registration in these cases do not apply.

Exceptions are provided for those who receivedrefugee status or political asylum. A special conversation is about the figures of science, culture, technology and other branches of human activity in which the applicant has special achievements. The highest qualification or a rare profession of such a citizen can be the reason for making a decision to reduce the term to 1 year and to consider the case personally by the President.

Resettlement program

citizenship of citizens of Ukraine

The Russian state is interested in the influxqualified able-bodied people, close to each other, culturally and psychologically, to the basic composition of their own population. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a considerable number of Russians and representatives of other nations who ranked themselves among Russians suddenly found themselves (in the legal sense of the word) as foreigners became a reality.

Obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation by citizens of Ukraine inorder of the Program of Resettlement of Compatriots presupposes the creation of conditions for those who wish to become Russians. For these, a number of benefits are envisaged, state assistance and support, but there are certain limitations related to the target nature of this measure.

Citizenship of the Ukrainians

First, the working age, it can not be less than 25 and more than 50 years.

Secondly, pensioners and disabled people can not become participants in the labor migration program (this is the whole point of it).

Thirdly, compatriots-settlers can not settle in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as adjacent areas, here state support does not work.

The main advantage is that the acquisition of Russian citizenship for citizens of Ukraine (and some other countries - former Soviet republics) is significantly accelerated and takes from six months to a year.

To participate in the program,provide the usual set of documents: a passport (if there is, then a foreign one) with an authorized translation, diplomas and certificates of education, a work record (preferably).

If metrics of relatives, confirming the Russian origin (including the fact of birth in the RSFSR) are preserved, then they should also be attached.

Obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation for Ukrainian citizens in the easiest way

If a citizen of Ukraine is not in the zonemilitary conflict, and he does not need to leave his native place as a refugee, the easiest way to obtain citizenship is to apply to the Russian foreign mission (diplomatic mission or consular department). This will immediately save many problems associated with long-term residence of a non-resident in the Russian Federation. In this case, there is no need to obtain a residence permit, the requirement of a mandatory one-year stay in the territory of Russia also does not work. Actually, during the period of consideration of the issue (up to six months), one can not change the usual way of life.

citizenship of the Russian Federation

Project on Simplification

Despite the numerous rumors thatthe citizenship of the Russian Federation for Ukrainians is now easy to obtain, and it takes, supposedly, only a couple of months, Russian legislation has not yet undergone significant changes. The draft law on simplification of procedure exists, the State Duma is going to consider it, but this has not happened yet. In the document it is proposed to approve the right to repatriate certain categories of Ukrainian citizens, including Russian-speaking ones with Russian roots. This means that people, who were destined to live abroad but who were born in the territory of the Russian Empire, the RSFSR or the Russian Federation, or whose parents lived here, have some advantages over other applicants for a passport with a double-headed eagle. However, the project does not envisage the right to dual citizenship.

The document can not be considered fully worked out yet, it has both opponents and supporters.

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