/ / Kitchen decoration: options, interesting ideas, designer tips and features

Kitchen decoration: options, interesting ideas, designer tips and features

It's no secret that repair anythe rooms are a rather painstaking occupation. It should be taken seriously. Many people think that the repair of the kitchen is an incredibly difficult task. In terms of design, this is the most ambiguous room in the house. Here everything needs to be arranged functionally and beautifully. Whichever kitchen you choose, furniture and appliances should be in harmony with the design of the ceiling and walls. The overall composition in this case meets the preferences of all tenants. If it is rather simple to replace the equipment and furniture, then the situation is a little different with the decoration. Before making the kitchen, be sure to think about the overall style.

How can I arrange the kitchen. General principles

kitchen decoration options

So what needs to be considered?The main thing when planning a kitchen design is to maintain a balance between functionality and aesthetics. As a rule, this room is usually equipped for many years, so every detail must be carefully considered. This space should express the character and tastes of the tenants of the house. Therefore, everyone should take part in the creation and setting.

When making the kitchen you can useextraordinary technological solutions. This applies to materials. Today, there are various options for finishing the kitchen: tiles, cloth, wallpaper. Among the modern solutions are often found and combined. For example, there is a tendency to create surfaces with a heterogeneous structure. In combination with the smooth versions of the facades, they will look especially good and luxurious.

Negative factors

Let's dwell on them in more detail.Regardless of what style you choose to design the kitchen, you must consider a number of factors that affect the finish and interior items.

These include:

  1. High temperature (oven, hot water, cooking surface): not all finishing materials are able to withstand the effects of high degrees and maintain their aesthetic characteristics.
  2. Humidity (steam, regular washing): in the kitchen you constantly have to deal with water. Finishing must resist these factors without loss.
  3. Chemical substances:work surfaces and kitchen walls get dirty from time to time. The hostess does not always have the opportunity to immediately wash and wipe them. This leads to the fact that old oil and grease stains appear on the walls, which can be removed only with aggressive cleaning compositions.
  4. Smells: food flavors will inevitably be absorbed into the finishing materials, and you can hardly get rid of them. This problem mainly concerns wooden elements.
  5. Mechanical impact:Kitchen surfaces are often subject to various physical influences. Therefore, to finish better to choose quality materials. Even a simple plate, which fell on the floor of a cheap coating, will lead to the need for repairs.

Today on sale there is a fairly wide range of finishing materials. Thanks to this, you can choose the options that are suitable for your particular case.

Wall decoration ideas

kitchen tiles

Today there are a lot of them.Many are interested in which kitchen finishes are best to use. Walls can be decorated using special paint, wallpaper, glass or plastic panels. As you can see for yourself, the choice is quite wide. But before you decide on the use of a particular material, it is necessary to briefly familiarize yourself with their main characteristics. When choosing also worth being guided by common sense. For example, in a small kitchen will look strange black tile.

Tiled walls

What are the features?The most popular material for decorating the walls in the kitchen today is tile. This is an inexpensive and proven option. The tile is resistant to contamination that occurs during the cooking process, and if necessary it can be easily cleaned. In addition, steam and high humidity, which often occur in the process of cooking, do not affect the characteristics of this material.

Today the choice of tiles on the market is so widethat you can easily find a budget version of the kitchen. In addition, you can tile not all the walls, but only the work surface directly above the worktop or only one.

Wall covering in the kitchen wallpaper

wall decoration options

Let's take a closer look at this.Material such as wallpaper is an excellent option for decorating walls. Thanks to a wide range, you can easily find a suitable solution for yourself. But it should be borne in mind that not all wallpapers are suitable for use in the kitchen. High humidity reigns in this room, and the walls often get dirty.

Therefore, it is better to choose washable wallpaper options, namely:

  1. Vinyl.The basis of this material is made of paper, and the top layer is made of polyvinyl chloride. Flat vinyl resistant to scratches and mechanical stress. Such material must be glued only on a flat surface. Foam vinyl is able to hide small irregularities and defects on the walls. However, it is quickly erased and easily scratched. Vinyl wallpapers are sometimes made on non-woven base. The advantage of such materials is that they are glued very quickly. In addition, they have excellent noise reduction. Vinyl wallpaper can be washed. They tolerate water with cleaning compositions. In addition, non-woven wallpapers are resistant to high temperatures, water and dirt.
  2. Fiberglass.On the texture of such wallpaper resemble fabric. They are characterized by high resistance to fire and moisture. In addition, fiberglass has high wear resistance. They are durable and can maintain their original appearance for many years. In addition, they can be painted. They perfectly hide all defects and irregularities on the surface of the walls. This is the perfect finish to the kitchen. The only downside is the high cost.
  3. Raufazer These wallpapers are made from two layers of paper mixed with wood chips. The surface of the walls after pasting can be painted. In addition, they can not be glued around the sink.
  4. Paper.Considering the options for finishing the kitchen wallpaper, one can not mention the most budget. However, paper materials are characterized by low resistance to moisture. Upon contact with water, they can move away from the walls. If the paper is covered with a layer of colorless plastic, they can be wiped several times, but for a long time they will not be enough.

With the help of wallpaper you can decorate only oneelement of the wall, such as the space between the cabinets or above the table. Here, everything will depend on which design you choose. Options for finishing a small kitchen can be different. However, it is better not to overdo it. In order not to cause chaos on the wall, it is better to use bright colorful wallpaper on the fragments. The rest can be simply painted.

Wall decoration with paint

Another option you can use forwall decoration in the kitchen - paint. What you should pay attention to? Today, without any problems, you can choose special coloring compositions intended for the bathroom and kitchen. They differ from standard materials in that they can be washed frequently.

Options for decorating the walls of a small kitchen ofteninvolve the use of paint. This is a cheap and affordable product. In addition, if the result does not suit you, you can easily repaint the wall in a different color. There is a wide range of coloring compositions of various colors on the market today. Everyone can find something new for themselves.

Using other modern materials

arrangement of a small kitchen

How else can the kitchen be handled? Options may be different. The use of unconventional materials will add to the solution originality.

Here are some of them:

  • MDF panels.This finishing material allows you to get a rather extraordinary solution in combination with properly selected furniture. For the arrangement of the walls, you can use the panels of the same color as the kitchen set. So you can achieve a good effect of uniformity.
  • Mosaic. Can be used as a supplement. Covering the walls with it completely is not necessary, it can create a feeling of ripples on the surfaces.
  • Plastics Great for kitchen decoration.Just take care of this surface. At the same time on sale are a large number of colors. Plus, such a kitchen wall decoration is a budget option.
  • Aluminum sheets (smooth or corrugated).This material is perfect for kitchen design. This option is resistant to dirt. It is better not to overdo it with the use of aluminum, otherwise the premises will become more like an industrial workshop.
  • Floorboard.This material is perfect if you like rustic style. The main thing is to take into account that the tree requires additional protection from moisture. In addition, wood absorbs all the flavors, which are already in the kitchen a lot.

When you decide on the material of the walls, you will need to think about the design of the floor.

What materials to use for finishing the floor?

kitchen flooring

There are many of them today.Materials for finishing the floor is another important factor that you should think about when planning to renovate the kitchen. Finishing options here may be different. It is important to consider only three basic requirements: the floor should be easy to clean, not deteriorate under the influence of moisture and be durable. What options are there?


Варианты отделки кухни плиткой пользуются большой popular because it is abrasion resistant and easy to keep clean. Today in the market you can find a variety of tile options. You can easily choose the one that will fit your interior. High-quality floor tiles are not subject to mechanical stress. However, please note that this floor will be quite cold. Therefore, it is desirable to take care of the organization of heating in advance. You can also tile only the work area, and in the remaining space lay parquet or laminate.

Use of laminate

Этот материал отличается широкой палитрой цветов.It is believed that the laminate is not too resistant to moisture and wear. However, this is not quite true. If you choose a quality material with the appropriate quality of abrasion, it will serve you faithfully for a long time. The big advantage of the laminate is ease of installation, and it looks good - it is natural and comfortable.

Linoleum use

In kitchens in our country, this finishing materialis the absolute leader. It has a democratic value and versatility. If necessary, you can always quickly and easily replace the floor covering. Linoleum can be washed very easily. However, he has his drawbacks. For example, it is very easy to damage it, such as furniture.

Ceiling design options

ceiling decoration in the kitchen

Какие они бывают?Another important part of interior design is the ceiling in the kitchen. Options for finishing this plane may be different. From it will depend on the formation of a common perception of the room. The ceiling can be plain white and smooth, or have some interesting structure. There are many possibilities here.

Consider the most popular solutions:

  1. Painted ceiling is a simple and cheap option.It is necessary to take into account one important point. Ceiling should be combined with lighting. If the surface is not level before painting, minor irregularities will be noticeable. This will spoil the impression of the whole room.
  2. Stretch ceiling.Allow you to achieve a wide variety of colors and shapes. You can make a complex multi-level. The main advantage of such a ceiling is that it can easily hide surface imperfections.
  3. The ceiling with stucco - this is the perfect solution for the design of the kitchen in a classic style. Stucco can be either real, from gypsum, or from expanded polystyrene.
  4. Ceiling with beams: it will look great in the kitchen in the style of country or loft. It is clear that the wooden beams can be both part of the ceiling design and a simple decorative element.

Is it possible with a limited budget beautifulto arrange the ceiling in the kitchen? Options for finishing the economy class can be different: from simple painting to ceiling decoration with false panels and siding. Here everything will depend on your preferences and fantasy.

Advice of professionals

Before you begin work on repairing the premises,experienced designers recommend making a rough plan for the placement of furniture. It is important to correctly consider the possibilities of space and the location of all communications. You can choose the best option for finishing the kitchen by studying the photos of ready-made solutions.

Modern interiors are characterized by a combinationmultiple styles. But it is better to immediately decide which design will become the main one. You should also think about the colors of the future kitchen. Some shades invigorate and increase vitality, while others - relax and soothe.

Важный принцип, который следует учитывать при the design of the kitchen is functionality. Using simple and effective techniques, you can easily correctly furnish even a small room.


kitchen decoration

The kitchen is the very room that playscentral to many families. It is here that everyone gathers at the common table for breakfast, shares plans for the coming day. Here in the evening the whole family gathers and discusses the results of the past day. Behind such communication can pass unnoticed most of the day. It is therefore very important that the kitchen was a pleasure to be. And for this you need to think about the interior design. It is not necessary that the room looked spectacular. The main thing is to make your home comfortable. This is not too difficult to do, it’s just enough to choose the right finishing materials.

How should the walls, floor and ceiling on thethe kitchen? Options for finishing economy can be completely different. Every little thing is important here. When choosing finishing materials, be sure to keep in mind that in the kitchen they will be exposed to many negative factors: high humidity, sudden temperature changes, various contaminants.

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