/ / Types of social norms

Types of social norms

A person is constantly in close contact withother people. Different forms of interactions between social groups or individuals are called social relations. Basically, human relationships are based on different opinions and interests of participants. In the course of possible contradictions between members of society, social conflicts arise. One way to regulate and smooth such situations is through regulatory regulation (based on numerous types of social norms). It is difficult to imagine our society without adjusting human behavior with the help of certain rules or regulations.

Types of social norms

Social pillars are several obligatoryrules of conduct that establish acceptable boundaries in our activities. It also means legalized regulations, rules of conduct in various situations. The rules are divided into several types: natural, technical and social.

Social regulations are a set of general rules andsamples of the correct behavior of people in society. Distinguish the following types of social norms: legal, morality and customs, religious and corporate.

Let us analyze in more detail the main types of social norms.

Moral parameters are a pattern of behaviorman, derived from the concepts of people about evil and good, about injustice and justice. Controls their execution, either society or some social stratum.

Legal measures are rules that are established by the state. The compulsory power of the state in the person of the ruling power or the majority of the population of the country is not excluded.

The rules of customs are a set of rules that have become a habit because of their repeated repetition. Achievement of such norms is ensured by the strength of the habit itself.

Religious canons are patterns of behavior that are drawn from sacred books or set by the church.

The rules of conduct established by public organizations are usually called corporate.

The main types of social norms were developed andappeared alternately, as necessary in them. All of them are laws of behavior in society (they are called "general rules"), which constantly act in the relations of each person. Their observance is connected with the inner conviction of each person. Measures following a certain behavior can be divided into two types. They can be both encouraging (positive) and punitive (negative). There are also formal and informal sanctions from official or unofficial organizations. These types of social norms and sanctions play a crucial role in social control, encouraging or punishing members of society for fulfilling or deviating from the norms of behavior.

Behavior that does not correspond to the generally acceptedsample, called deviant, i.e. deviating. Basically, he is considered a negative social phenomenon, which does not bear criminal penalties. In sociology, criminal behavior is called a delinquent behavior.

Scientists-sociologists, considering the reasonsdeviant behavior, found that deviant as well as delinquent behavior are very common in a society in which changes in the social environment occur. In this case, the types of social norms and sanctions do not have established practice. For clarity, it is enough to recall the behavior of society in the first decade after the collapse of the USSR. The foundations were destroyed, and new rules were not developed, as a consequence - the growth of delinquent and deviant behavior. The acquired experience of the society testifies to the need for a more careful approach to control over the canons regulating the life of the society.

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