/ / Prove an industrial accident

Prove an industrial accident

There was an accident and, as alwayssuddenly. Under existing legislation, an accident at work should be investigated in the shortest possible time. In case of non-enforcement of the law, there is a responsibility, and it is quite rigid. It is necessary to represent all stages of the action well. Compounding responsibility for a slow investigation is aggravated, when a person sustained a serious injury.

The definition of an accidentworkplace: this is an event during which the insured worker was injured, or he was injured by the conditions of production. This includes:

performance by the employee of the functions that provide for the employment contract, or the performance of work permitted by labor law;

injuries received on the territory of the insured and outside it, while following or returning to the enterprise on the road transport of the insured.

Time and location on a business trip can not affect the fact that the investigation of accidents is delayed, as is work on holidays and weekends, which are also considered workers.

Accident can not be consideredminor injury that does not affect the health of the worker. If he received a serious injury, then after curing he must be transferred to another job, if he is unable to fulfill the former.

If the employer intentionally hidesan event occurred, the procedure for investigating accidents at work takes a different turn. The labor inspection receives an application from the injured or his relatives, and the labor inspector, despite the fact that the statute of limitations has already expired, resumes the investigation. Even if the worker worked temporarily, concurrently or permanently, this will not affect the course of the investigation.

The employer must provide the employeeThe enterprises excluding any dangers of working conditions. If the staff of the enterprise exceeds 50 people, then there must be a department of labor protection. This post provides training for this type of activity. That is, an employee must have a certificate giving the right to engage in labor protection.

If there was an accident at the factory, the manager should conduct measures to help the victim. If necessary, place it in a medical institution.

In order to avoid emergency situations, it should be done on timetake measures to prevent them: keep the situation under control, prevent panic if the threat to health and life of other workers is excluded. In some cases, work should be stopped, until the reasons are clarified.

In addition, it is necessary to inform the higher management and other relevant bodies. In case of death of the employee, inform relatives.

Within 24 hours after the occurrencean accident at work, the head of the enterprise must transfer the information to the FSS body. In case of untimely report or non-reporting to the body within the specified period, the management of the enterprise, in the person of the director or the head, is fined or administratively prosecuted.

Accidents can be mild and severe. They are qualified by the application to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

The determining factor of injury is the fact of a health disorder, which can later become chronic or, worse, cause the death of the victim.

Если несчастный случай на производстве носит light character, the investigation period is extended to three days. To do this, a commission of three people, approved by the management of the enterprise, should be created.

At the end of the investigation, an act should be drawn up, describing the accident. The form of the act is free.

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