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Women's Rights: Interesting Facts

Сегодня никто не отрицает тот факт, что от birth, people are given equal rights, that the legal status does not depend on the gender of the individual. It is difficult for a modern person to understand how a couple of centuries ago, young ladies were forbidden to study in universities, they were not appointed to higher positions, and in general, an ideal woman was a housewife who wastes her clothes and cooks soup.

In what documents are the rights fixed today?women? In 1967, the UN General Assembly drafted the Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. In it, the world community emphasized the equality of people of different sexes and the need to ensure equal access for boys and girls to all the benefits. Under the Declaration, fair-sex representatives were granted the right to vote in elections and in public referenda, and it emphasized that persons of both sexes had the same access to posts in the service of the state. Article 10 of the Declaration prescribes the repeal of those provisions of labor legislation that violate the rights of pregnant women. Equal access to educational programs is guaranteed. It was this document that led to subsequent international acts protecting women's rights. Further the declarations devoted to a question of a legal status of representatives of a fair sex, were accepted in 1974, 1993, 1995 and 2000. In 2000, the Political Declaration on Women in the 21st Century was signed.

In Russia, feminist clubs andenjoy such popularity, as, for example, in the USA. Every year on August 26, American women celebrate the holiday of equality of women. This holiday was first held in 1971. American lawyer and politician Bella Abzug was elected to the Congress, where she expressed her initiative.

The movement for equal suffrage of men andwomen in the United States took place in the middle of the nineteenth century and was crowned with success. The nineteenth Amendment of the US Constitution appeared in 1920. This amendment, according to feminists, was the first in the history of their state official recognition of women's right to participate in political life, in shaping the image of the state.

Normative acts on the rights of womenThe fair sex was accepted not only by the UN, but also by the World Trade Organization, the International Labor Organization. The text of the documents adopted by these bodies is made up mainly taking into account medical conclusions about the female body, sociological and statistical data. In many countries there are certain lists of works for which employers are simply not entitled to appoint girls. Women can not be forced to work under difficult conditions.

And now we will bring some surprising facts.Tell you what interesting rights women are spelled out in separate laws. So, in Hong Kong, a lady has the right to kill an unfaithful spouse. The only difficulty is that she must do it with her bare hands, without the help of weapons and other foreign objects. In Colorado, the US state, it is forbidden to kiss a sleeping woman. I wonder how their children read fairy tales about Snow White and the sleeping beauty? In some states, discrimination of the fairer sex is indeed traced. So, for example, in Kentucky, ladies are forbidden to appear in swimsuits on the road. The exception is only those whose weight is below forty or above ninety kilograms. That is, a beautiful lady does not have the right to appear on the road in a beach suit, and a pumped-up handsome man - please! Under the laws of St. Louis, firefighters are forbidden to take out of the fire women without clothes and dressed in a home gown or in a nightgown. At the same time it is prescribed to throw all the forces to save a man, no matter in what form he may be. In Florida, unmarried girls are not allowed to jump with a parachute on Sundays.

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