/ / INN: how does it look, where to take it, how much it costs?

TIN: how does it look, where to take it, how much it costs?

Almost every adult citizenis faced with such a document as TIN. What does this paper look like? Why is it needed? Where and how is it drawn up? We will have to answer all these questions further. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems.


What is an INN? This is the individual number of the taxpayer. It serves as the identifier of the citizen in the tax system. It is necessary for many transactions with finances and taxes.

Inn as it looks

What does an INN look like?It is a numeric code of 12 or 10 Arabic numerals. In the first case, the number is assigned to individuals, in the second - legal. The first 4 digits in the TIN are the code of the region of the Russian Federation, where the number and code of the tax inspection appeared. The remaining 6 - the number of the taxpayer's record. The last digit is the control code to verify the correctness of the record.

If we are talking about an organization's INN, then the record will be formed like this:

  • first 2 digits - region;
  • the second pair of figures is the tax authority;
  • the next 5 digits - the number of the organization's entry in EGRN;
  • the last digit is the control number.

Individual taxpayer number is assigned 1 time and for life. It does not change under any circumstances. Only not all citizens know this combination.


What does an INN look like? Usually they describe the document on which the individual taxpayer number is written. More precisely, the certificate of the established sample.

Such a document is printed on A4 sheet.It has a picture of the state emblem and a stamp of the tax inspection. The individual number of the taxpayer is written at the top of the certificate. Also on paper will be information about the owner of the relevant certificate.


Теперь более детально рассмотрим каждый тип ИНН.The certificate of the established form for individuals is printed on a beige letterhead. As already mentioned, the size of the document is A4. In different years, the individual number was printed on pinkish or yellow sheets.

Inn as the document looks like

On the certificate you can see the following information:

  • Full name of the citizen;
  • gender identity;
  • place and date of birth;
  • the date when a citizen entered the tax account;
  • number of the taxpayer in the system of the Federal Tax Service.

Now it is clear what the TIN looks like (document)physical person. In order to use the individual number of the taxpayer, it is not necessary to receive the appropriate certificate. But under certain circumstances, this paper is necessary.

The Organization

And what kind of document does the organization have?It should be noted immediately that there is no uniform form for this paper. Thinking about how the organization's INN looks like, it is worth preparing for the fact that you will have to study a huge variety of different interpretations.

Each region has its own TIN forms.The certificate is printed on A4 paper, if desired, it can be laminated. In the center of the document is the coat of arms of the region. In other respects, the certificate recalls the certificate of an individual's TIN.

On paper, you can see the following information:

  • number of the organization in the tax system;
  • Company name;
  • CAT;
  • OGRN;
  • date of registration;
  • information on the issuing authority.

Henceforth it is clear what the INN looks like. But how can you get this paper? And where to turn for help when implementing the task?

what does the document of an individual look like?

Where to make out?

In Russia, the statement on tax accountingis carried out in several organs. Where to go for help? Everyone gives the answer to this question independently. The main thing is to choose where it is more convenient to get on the tax account.

Generally, TIN is issued:

  • in the Federal Tax Service;
  • in the MFC;
  • through the portal "State Service".

There is no significant difference in hownamely, to act. Through "State services" certificates with individual numbers of taxpayers are made out more and more often. This method allows you to register with the Federal Tax Service without leaving your home.


What does an INN look like? The answer to this question will not cause any more trouble. It is worth paying attention to the fact that issuing the relevant document requires certain papers from a citizen / company. Which ones?

Documents for issuing an individual number will be as follows:

  • passport;
  • application of the established form;
  • receipt with paid duty.

Usually this is enough. All the listed documents are brought to the MFC or the FTS, after which in a few days it will be possible to receive the ready certificate with the TIN.

Production time

How fast is the service provided? Usually, when ordering a document through the "State Services" a certificate will be produced in about 3 days. In other cases, TIN will be issued longer.

As a rule, the waiting period is 5 days. And nothing more. The process of registration of TIN is not time-consuming.

what the organization looks like


How much does this operation cost? If it is a question of physical persons, then they do not have to pay for the procedure. Tax registration does not require any expenses.

But if a citizen decided to open an IP or become a legal entity, you will have to pay a little. In 2017, the state fee for registration as a legal entity or entrepreneur is 800 rubles.

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