Each of us, engaged in labor activity,like a significant majority of Russians, at least once in his life on some occasion went to the hospital. In parallel, I had to learn about new legal terms that characterize the temporary situation. Including repeatedly you can hear about temporary incapacity for work. What is it, what are the positive and negative aspects of this status?
First of all, what is meant by the termability to work? This is a complex of a number of symptoms and characteristics of a person. Combining them into a single whole, this complex is able to determine the specific permissible types of professional activity. Depending on the type of certain work, a number of these distinctive features can vary for different professions (physical, mental, technical, etc.).
The concept of temporary incapacity for work meansthe condition of a person of working age who does not have the opportunity to fully work during a serious illness. The state of the level and nature of disability is determined by a doctor working in any medical institution with a license.
In the case of illness, the leading role, of course, playsmedicine. When a worker appears in a medical institution, a doctor - a certified specialist - conducts an examination alone, identifying the form and level of incapacity for work. And here any mistake can lead to disastrous consequences.
Also, the doctor during the admission of the patient determinesthe forecast of the further formation of the disease, the possible chronological framework of the disease, the approach of time to improve health. As a result of studying the patient's condition, the doctor comes to the opinion of temporary or permanent removal of the employee from work functions. In this case, temporary disability involves the preparation of a specific document - a sick leave sheet. That serves as a basis for obtaining a social benefit, which compensates for the lack of earnings and other payments due to the illness that has come.
So, the payment of allocated sickness funds is onefrom the essential forms of social support for Russians. The receipt of a sick-list is determined by federal laws and other legislative and subordinate documents. The amount of payment depends on the former earnings, state of health, period of illness. Payment for the sick leave is made at the place of work or study.
In determining the cause that led to the disease, several types of temporary disability are classified:
In a significant part of these cases, the employee is paid a period of temporary incapacity for work from the employer's funds. The volume and terms of payment are determined by specific conditions.
Household trauma is one of the reasonsincapacity for work of many members of the population. In general terms, this is the acquisition of a disease outside production, at home. This is one of the types of temporary disability.
Are there any payments in this case?Of course, but the process of issuing and the volume of payments depend on the level of domestic trauma. Accidents are accidents that occurred due to the negligence of the victim outside the work and caused temporary incapacity for work. Trauma in everyday life is the most common cause of the onset of temporary disability along with diseases. Often this happens because of non-observance by a person of safety precautions when working with household appliances.
Household injuries the employer must also studyand draw conclusions. Including for this purpose there is a special commission at the enterprise, including the employee responsible for labor protection. The victim must take part in the investigation.
As a result, the commission makes up an actthe established form. This is necessary to clarify the details of the acquisition of trauma. After all, even small details matter even in the allocation of compensation, since in some cases the causes of the disease can be ambiguous.
When acquiring an injury, you must immediately go to a traumatologist, where physicians will describe the causes and time of the incident.
Very often there are cases when an employee is not in theto take up their duties because of the forced care of a sick family member. Care of a patient is understood as courting a relative who can not for any reason serve himself, organizing the most suitable conditions for improving his health, reducing torment and avoiding complications. For normal care, not only knowledge and skills are needed, but also a psychological approach, a sense of tact, ability.
In this case, according to par. 2 p. 1 of Art.5 of Law N 255-FZ, the employee has the right to receive temporary disability allowance at his place of work, since he is an insured person. In the Russian Federation, the insured are persons who work under employment contracts, various state and municipal employees, etc.
In addition, in a number of cases, parents or their substitutes may take care of sick children.
In the modern world, most states (notonly in Russia) actively uses compulsory insurance in case of temporary incapacity for work. Such a financial institution, formed by the state, serves to compensate the residents of Russia for the loss of various payments or additional costs if they fall under the insured event. This manual is considered one of the most significant traditions of social assistance to a person due to serious ailments.
Insurance cases are:
In our country the birth of a child is underlegislative control. Temporary disability for pregnancy and childbirth is also paid. Officially, the situation is fixed by the obstetrician, who examines at 30 weeks of pregnancy. A woman receives a vacation at a time of 140 days (70 - before the birth of a child, as many after the appearance of the baby to the light).
And finally.When you receive a sick leave for one of the types of temporary incapacity for work, you must consider its registration. In case of errors, social payments may not be obtained. In the hospital there are, for example, sick-list codes. Codes begin with 01 and further on the direction. Each case, defined by the code, is fixed in the sheet. There is also a slight change in the status of the patient.
When the cause of incapacity for worksome of the figures and names will be noted in the column "code edit" of the document. Those. the employee of the institution in determining the benefit should pay attention to whether the figures are in these columns or not.
The employer needs to fix the graphs of the codes of subordination. A subordination code can be found in the registration notice issued by your Fund branch.