/ / The flag of Kenya and its meaning

The flag of Kenya and its meaning

Kenya is a country that must visit at leastonce each person. Some scientists believe that it is from here that human civilization begins. The line of the equator runs along Kenya. Here you can visit national parks, where lions, elephants, leopards, meerkats, rhinoceroses and buffaloes live. Watamu marine reserve is famous for coral reefs, in which a rare exotic fauna of the Indian Ocean is rampant.

flag of Kenya photo

The capital of the state is Nairobi, and the largest cities are:

  • Tick.
  • Nakuru.
  • Kisumu.
  • Eldoret.
  • Nanyuki.

Equally interesting is the symbolism of Kenya.

Flag of Kenya: photo

Полотнище имеет прямоугольную форму и пропорции 2:3. The flag of Kenya consists of bands of green, red and black, which are arranged vertically. Two thin white bands are located on the bottom and top edges. In the center of the canvas is a shield of the African Masai people with crossed spears. Officially, the flag of Kenya was approved in 1963.

flag of Kenya

Геральдика основана на символах и значении того or other color. The population of the Black continent symbolizes the main color, and the red tint indicates the blood spilled by the people for the independence of their own state. Natural wealth and agriculture symbolizes green, the world is marked on the flag by white. The coat of arms of the Masai is a sign of protecting freedom.

History of the flag of Kenya

The flag of Kenya was officially approved on December 121963. The consolidation of national symbols became possible after gaining independence from Great Britain. The prototype of this flag of the state was the banner of KANU (Kenyan African National Union). It is a political party that fought for the independence of the country. Soon the state changed the form of government and became the Republic (in 1964). There is a likelihood of a change in national symbols, as KANU lost power and political weight.

Coat of Arms of Kenya

The coat of arms is a Masai shield.It is divided into green, black and red sectors, on top of which are depicted silver belts. In the red area is a cock that holds a silver ax in its right paw. Crossed spears are behind the shield, and two gold lions, located opposite each other, support the shield. Lions are depicted with weapons and sticking out their tongues, standing on a mountain massif where gold and silver plants are located. Below, a scarlet ribbon with an inscription Harambee (silver motto) flutters. This motto in translation from Swahili means "all for one."

White stripes symbolize the desire to live in peace,A white cock with an ax is a sign of a happy life. The mountain on which the lions stand is full of images of crops (coffee, sisal, pineapple, tea, corn, feverfew).

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