/ Homemade traps for ants. How to get rid of uninvited guests?

Homemade traps for ants. How to get rid of uninvited guests?

Today the chemical industry producesa huge number of various means for fighting pests and insects. It can be sprays, sticky tapes with poison, pencils, powders, creams with poisons and other other drugs. But in some cases, the use of products containing poisons and chemicals in its composition is unacceptable.

For example, it is not recommended for use whenan increased allergic reaction to the constituents of the remedy, or if the house is inhabited by animals and children who can poison themselves by tasting the poison. It is in such cases, an excellent way out of this situation will help traps for ants, their own hands made.

Guess where exactly the anthill is located, howrule is very difficult. These can be slots and niches in the house, holes behind the stove, under the sink, in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Also, ants love to organize their house near fruit trees in the courtyard.

traps for ants

How to get rid of ants in the trees?

In order to eliminate annoying insects withapple, cherry or apricot in the garden, it is necessary to set traps for ants in the trees. To do this, from the old sheepskin coat or pieces of sheepskin, cut the strips and fix them at an altitude of about 15 cm from the ground with the wool outside. Then, on the surface of the resulting trap, the crude carboxylic acid is applied.

What are the dangerous ants in the apartment?

Whatever the ants seemed to be inoffensive, theycan cause some harm to a person. The fact is that insects can be carriers of various diseases. After all, they travel almost everywhere: they run to the dump, crawl into the sewers and other places - nurseries of infections. That's why an ant trap, in the house installed, will be an excellent way out of the situation.

And when invading insects penetrate into any, eventightly closed containers with products - sugar bowl, jars with jam and honey. They hit berries and fruits, sliced ​​bread, and just leave traces of their livelihoods on the kitchen table and dishes. Therefore, get rid of insects is necessary at the first appearance of pests in the house.

how to make a trap for ants

Preparation of premises

Before undertaking concrete measures andset up traps for ants throughout the apartment, you can try to eliminate the cause of the insects, and also prepare for their destruction. For this it is necessary to perform a number of actions:

  • Pack all food in plastic bags or plastic containers.
  • Clear the floors and corners of the rooms from food debris and sticky (sweet) marks.
  • Wash surfaces in the home, clean them with crumbs, remove the traces of fat from food.
  • Get rid of dirty dishes on the tables and sink.
  • If you have a dishwasher, carefully close it and remove any food leftovers that may remain in it after use.
  • Treat all surfaces in the kitchen with a weak solution of vinegar.
  • All food waste must be sent to a garbage can with a tight lid.
  • More often arrange cleaning of all premises with a vacuum cleaner.

Following these recommendations, you not only prepare the house for the subsequent installation of ants trap, but also take precautionary measures before the appearance of insects.

traps for ants own hands

Surface treatment with improvised means

As a rule, in addition to the trap for ants, the house can still use the treatment of surfaces and floors with products that are unpleasant for insects:

  1. Baking soda. A steep solution (you can even paste made from the product) you need to rub the floors and rinse. Periodically repeating the procedure, you can achieve the care of ants.
  2. Ammonia (ammonia).You need to buy a 10% drug at the pharmacy, moisten all the ant pathways that are known, all possible routes for insects. After using ammonia, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  3. Red hot pepper. Pour the powder along the path of the ants, and they will recede.
  4. Lemon juice, vinegar. Wipe the path of ants with a cotton wool soaked in a clean cloth.

traps for ants on trees

Trap homemade

Another of the most effective means ishomemade bait for insects. But the question arises: how to make an ants trap yourself? As a rule, this is a simple process that does not require special skills and skills. So, there are several options for traps:

  • Using scotch tape.Requires double-sided adhesive tape, which is attached on a saucer, on a polyethylene cap, installed in places where ants. From above, bait is put in the form of sweetness. The ants go to her scent and stick to the scotch.
  • Based on honey. The sponge for washing dishes is soaked with sweetness, it decomposes into the places where the ants follow. As the insects fill, it is washed out under running water.
  • Bank with a sweet bait.In a half-liter tank, you need to pour water, having previously dissolved honey or sugar in it. We expose the jar to the places of the accumulation of insects. Sweetheads will crawl into such traps for ants and sink in syrup.

Scare away smells

Another important way to eliminatepests in the house is the use of unpleasant odors for ants. These can be laurel leaves, flowers and lavender oils or carnations. Suitable also for the following plants: camphor, mint, tobacco, parsley and tomato leaves.

trap for ants in the house


In order to avoid the invasion of ants in a house or apartment, it is necessary to adhere to some methods of prevention:

  1. Do not leave food in the reach zone.
  2. Keep clean in the kitchen.
  3. Remove the remnants of food.
  4. Deliver garbage in time.
  5. Store fruit correctly: in a closed container, in a refrigerator.
  6. At the slightest sign of penetration of insects, take urgent measures to eliminate them, without waiting for the moment when they fill the entire space.

Following all the recommendations, you can get rid of uninvited guests in a short time (it's safe for others) to prevent their further appearance in the house.

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