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How to find out who owns the land at?

Any property has an owner.The only question is how to find out who owns the land, house or apartment. Currently, there are several ways to obtain information about the ownership of the object.

General rules for obtaining information

According to the current legislation, allIndividualized objects should be taken into account in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN). By "individualization" is understood as the availability of real estate cadastral number, address and accounted in the SCC boundaries. So the only option of how you can find out who owns the land plot is simply by accessing this database. You must choose one of the following methods:

1. Order information online, If there is a possibility of access to the Internet andinformation about the address or number. If there is no information, but the approximate location is known, it is worth to first consult the Public cadastral map.

2. Ordering documents in the MFC, when the applicant requires officially confirmed information, that is, a document with blue seals.

3. An inquiry to a potential right holder or a person (body) with information about him. It is done in case the received extract fromEGRN does not contain the necessary data, and real estate actually exists. In the Russian Federation, about 10% of the objects are not reflected in the official register, since they do not have a registered right.

how to find out who owns the land

Public cadastral map

Открытые онлайн-сервисы Росреестра - одно из places where you can find out who owns a plot of land in a few minutes. In the GAC, information on real estate is shown in cartographic form, indicating the cadastral number and basic information (address, area, category, date of survey).

The start page offers the user a mapRussian Federation with division into regions. When approaching the territory is divided into municipal areas, the territory of cities, etc. Even without knowing a specific address, you can find a site on the territorial landmarks. And the card allows you to switch to satellite mode with saving all displayed numbers and borders. To do this, go to the "Map Management" section and then select "Space Images" in the "Single Cartographic Basics" tab, without removing other marks.

 Find out who owns the land at

Information on the selected object can be obtainedthrough the service section in his card. The service offers 2 ways to find out who owns the land: at the address or number in the cadastre - by obtaining a passport or an extract from the EGRN.

Cadastral passport and an extract from EGRN online

In terms of the amount of information provided, the cadastralThe passport and extract from the Register of real estate rights are very similar. In particular, they both provide information about the right holder, existing encumbrances and basic data on real estate.

Information from the statement does not reflect the information"older" 5 calendar days. This is especially true for checking the purity of the transaction. However, the cadastral passport, among other things, allows you to get acquainted with the graphic scheme of the site.

You can order these documents online insection "Public services" on the official website of Rosreestr. From 01/01/2017, without registration, the resource allows you to receive only an extract from EGRN. To clarify, along with the usual information, the configuration of the site is required to register in the EGRS FGIS (using your own passport and SNILS number) and deposit at least 200 rubles to your personal account. After that, the system will allow receiving documents electronically within an hour, and the cost of each will not exceed 2 rubles.

where to find out who owns the land

Ordering documents in the MFC

Applying to the Interfunctional Center (MFC) will solve the problem of how to find out who owns the land. The query requires the following:

  • Address of the object or its cadastral number.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • SNILS applicant.
  • Cash for payment of state duty - 200 rubles for an extract from the Unified State Unitary Enterprise, 400 rubles for a cadastre passport.

Make an order for the ownership of the property can be any person, not just the owner or the lessee. As a result of the appeal, the applicant receives the document in electronic or paper form.

how to find out who owns the land plot

Garden Information

The situation with real estate in the SNT is more complicated.Despite the "dacha amnesty", many use it on the basis of only one book of a member of the partnership and, although the contributions are paid regularly, the objects belonging to them are not taken into account anywhere.

The question of how to find out who owns a dachaa land plot, is quite acute for the owners of neighboring possessions, as well as for resource-supply organizations (laying water mains, electrical networks). You can obtain the necessary information in the following way:

  • Refer to the PAC to clarify the territorial guidelines of the desired site. If necessary, the scheme with the map can be printed.
  • Подать письменный запрос в правление СНТ с request to provide information (name, surname, name) about the owner and contacts to contact him. At the same time, it is necessary to describe the reason for the search in as much detail as possible and indicate that the impossibility of communication with the owner to resolve any issue may harm the interests of the applicant.

 how can you find out who owns the land

This way of searching for information will help you find outwho owns a land plot both in garden partnerships and in the administrations of rural settlements, where they continue to keep household records and record information about the “owners” of even unregistered property.

Search for information in open sources

When making deals, it’s relevant not only to find a way to find out who owns the land, but also to get all possible information about the seller and possible problems with real estate.

It is possible to minimize possible risks with the help of search on open sources of a network In particular, it is recommended to pay attention to the following resources:

  • Avito free classified ads website. With the help of the search line you can find out if the parcel was sold before and get the contact phone number of the seller.
  • The website of the court of general jurisdiction of the area (district) where the property is located. If you enter in the section "Court records management" information about the owner or seller, you can find out if there were any disputes regarding the object being sold.

In general, the modern information field allowsget the necessary information about any property. At the same time, there is no need to violate the law or “negotiate” - access to most information databases and records is completely legal.

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