/ / Security measures when conducting firing and handling weapons

Security measures during the shooting and handling of weapons

Each police officer has his own servicea pistol is a personal weapon attached only to him. The police are an armed state executive body. For the performance of their direct duties, for the suppression of offenses and the detention of criminals, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to use a designated firearm for their intended purpose, which is assigned to each police officer. The procedure for obtaining your service pistol has its own nuances and difficulties. Only by passing on perfectly the theoretical part of the fire training and strictly observing the security measures during the shooting, you can get a personal weapon.

security measures during the shooting

Who is allowed to carry a gun?

A service weapon can be attached toa police officer only if he took the oath of allegiance to his people. In addition, he must complete the university law enforcement system or officially be in the rank or file of the internal affairs bodies. Mandatory requirements for candidates for securing weapons for them are the surrender of the theoretical part of knowledge of the bases for using weapons, the ideal knowledge of the material part, the rules of behavior with weapons in the service and during training firing. Security measures during the shooting of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation settled by its order issued in 2012 under the number 1030 dsc. What is characteristic of all these moments is the requirement for the estimates for each test. Any estimate below “Excellent” sends the applicant for a new round of surrender. After all the tasks are handed over to "excellent", the employees in the solemn atmosphere are handed their personal (for the time of service) pistols. Further, a police officer with a service weapon is personally responsible for his technical condition and safety.

security measures during the shooting of the Interior Ministry

Practice shooting

In order to train law enforcement officersbodies labeled, accurate shooting, quick response to a changing environment, a course of shooting from small arms was developed. Training and training shooting are held on certain days by the authorities in specially equipped places - shooting galleries, shooting ranges, training grounds. Security measures during the shooting of small arms are established by the normative documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. During the shooting, the roles of each participant are clearly defined. There is the commander of the shooting, his assistants, the sentinel, the duty shift, the upcoming shift. Each shooter is issued cartridges, which he carefully examines. Then the weapon is loaded at the command of the firing commander. When a weapon is loaded, each shooter reports readiness for shooting. Exclusively at the command "Fire!" Shooting begins. After the end of ammunition in the weapon, it is examined and sent to the targets for scoring points and scoring. Observing safety measures when conducting firing, the arrows receive extremely positive ratings.

security measures for firing PM

Safety requirements

For shooting a pistol Makarov design(PM) there are more than 15 exercises to perform. Security measures when conducting PM firing are in no way different from those when firing rifles, rifles and rifles. The basic rules are spelled out in the order regulating the order of the training firing:

- it is forbidden to take out weapons from a holster without a team;

- it is forbidden to direct weapons towards people, buildings;

- it is forbidden to charge a weapon without a team;

- it is forbidden to open and fire without a command, in prohibited directions, or in case of loss of a landmark, or in the presence of a prohibiting signal;

- it is forbidden to leave weapons unattended, transfer them to third parties.

In addition, the shooter must independentlystop shooting if he notices people, flying objects or other obstacles in sight. Security measures during firing were developed and translated into reality to preserve the life and health of shooters, to ensure the safety of weapons, therefore, are required for execution.

security measures when conducting PM firing

Weapon Requirements

Before firing commanders determine the typeweapons and the type of exercise that the arrows will perform. After the documents are prepared, the commander of the shooting, observing the rules, gets a weapon (pistols or machine guns) in the duty unit. It is necessary to check the numbers on the parts and details of the weapon and check them with the numbers in the documents. After that, the technical condition of each unit is checked. It is checked whether the weapon is loaded, whether there is a cartridge in the chamber, how parts and parts interact with each other. At the end, the control trigger is conducted. A police officer examines weapons and ammunition for contamination. Special attention here requires the bore, it must be cleaned to shine. Given that the shooting at the ATS are conducted regularly, there is a certain officer who regularly performs the above actions. Security measures during the firing of the PM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation settled a few years ago, so the algorithm of actions learned by heart, brought to automatism.

security measures for shooting small arms

Liability for violations

Despite the fact that the regulatory documents haveinstructions regulating the course of shooting, sometimes there are abnormal situations. Violations of security measures during the shooting. People suffer as a result of violations. In such cases, service checks are conducted, the perpetrators are identified. From the severity of the consequences of an emergency situation depends on what responsibility the person will bear. This can be a disciplinary sanction, as well as criminal proceedings.


For employees of the Ministry of Interior who have passed a certaintraining and passed the standards, service weapons secured. To raise the level of possession of weapons conducted training firing. Security measures for shooting and handling weapons are clearly spelled out in regulations and require the strictest observance of all regulations.

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