/ / What are the benefits for young families?

What are the benefits for young families?

Many young families need help, especiallywith the advent of the child, so they have special benefits. They are fixed legislatively. To use them, you need to know how to get them right. Benefits for young families are provided if they have confirmation of their situation, for example, the appearance of a child.

The concept of a young family

In the legislation of Russia there is no concept of "younga family". As can be seen from practice, marriage is young if its duration is not more than 3 years, and a mother or father under 30 years old has 1 child under 18 years of age. If the upbringing of a minor is carried out by a single parent under the age of 30, then he is included in this category.

benefits for young families

Benefits for young families - assistance from the federal andregional budget, which allows you to provide a couple and a child necessary for a comfortable life. In many families, problems arise, such as low wages or the lack of separate housing. And thanks to the social policy of the state, you can get rid of many difficulties.

Types of benefits

As such, there is no help for young families in the Russian Federation. But if they bring up three or more children, they have the right to receive benefits:

  • housing (issuing a free apartment, land);
  • social (benefits, discounts on utility bills);
  • medical (drugs, nutrition, examination);
  • tax (return of personal income tax);
  • transport (exemption from transport penalties).

What are the benefits to a young family with and without a childprovided? She is given a subsidy for the purchase of an apartment, obtaining a land plot. You can also use mortgages with lower interest rates than for many other social groups.

Acquisition of housing

If the family has no children, then there is the possibility of obtaining:

  • subsidies in 35% of the price of the apartment;
  • mortgages under the "Young Family" program;
  • social mortgage.

young family with child benefits

Has the advantage of a young family with a child. Benefits are the receipt of a subsidy for the purchase of real estate at a rate of 40%. It turns out that housing will be very profitable.

Repayment of mortgage

What are the benefits for a young family in thissphere? There is an opportunity to join the state program "Young Family". They are offered by many banks. Maternity capital can serve as a partial mortgage payment, so you only have to repay the balance.

Under the program, spouses under the age of 35 have the opportunityreceiving from the state a subsidy, which is used to pay for real estate. Local authorities must calculate the price of housing, which is acquired by the family, given the average cost in the region. Such benefits provide an opportunity to receive a subsidy of up to 70% of the cost of housing.


Benefits for housing for young families are provided ina low-interest mortgage. The services can be used in any commercial bank. They are issued by Sberbank, VTB 24 and other institutions. The rate varies within the limits of 12-13%, and the crediting period is 30 years.

housing benefits for young families

The maximum loan amount differs in the regions. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is 15 million rubles, and in other cities - only 8 million rubles.

Maternal capital

Maternity capital is a statesupport families with children. The program has been in operation since 2007, and it is distributed not only at the birth of its child, but also with the adoption of the second and subsequent.

By law, maternity capital can be spent on the following:

  • improvement of living conditions;
  • education;
  • health services.

If we consider the benefits to young families byimprovement of housing, the program will pay off a mortgage or another loan that was issued for the purchase of real estate. Maternity capital is intended for reconstruction, repair of a house, participation in shared construction. Funds can also be used to pay the first installment of a mortgage.

Real estate construction

The "Young Family" program assumes a subsidy for the construction of a house. It is spent for payment of services of the building firm or compensation of the expenses if work was carried out independently.

apartment benefits for a young family

The size of the subsidy is the same as in the case ofpurchase of housing. With such help, beneficial benefits are offered. Apartments for young families are cheaper. The program is considered universal, because it helps to solve many problems related to improving living conditions.

Communal payments

Benefits for young families are provided in the form of discounts on utilities. They operate in cases where:

  • for their payment more than 20% of all income is spent;
  • the family is considered to be poor or having many children, which is confirmed by documents.

In both cases a discount of 50% is applied. The amount of benefits depends on the region. Often, it can reach 100%.

Other support

If a young family has 3 or more children, then it can enjoy the following benefits:

  • extraordinary enrollment in a kindergarten;
  • receiving free treatment, health improvement, medicines, baby food;
  • discount for kindergarten;
  • free travel by public transport;

what are the benefits for a young family

Such benefits are offered to low-income families. This allows them to improve their financial situation.

How to start using help?

To apply benefits to improve living conditions, you need to apply to the housing department with the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passports;
  • the birth certificate of the child;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • documentation from social protection;
  • certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL.

If a subsidy is required to repay a mortgage, an additional list of securities should be prepared:

  • confirmation of ownership of housing;
  • credit agreement;
  • certificate from the creditor bank.

If the subsidy goes to a share payment, after which the property passes into ownership, then the following papers are needed:

  • documents about the unpaid contribution;
  • copies of constituent documents;
  • property rights;
  • certificate of membership in the cooperative;
  • confirmation of transfer of ownership.

Social benefits

To take advantage of social benefits, you must apply for social protection at your place of residence. Such an institution exists in every city. At the same time, you need to take with you:

  • spouses' passports;
  • a certificate of earnings;
  • the birth certificate of the child;
  • confirmation of benefits;
  • statement.

On a written application, the need for people to receive benefits is being considered. The documentation confirms this right.

Regional Features

In all regions, there are privileges foryoung families. They are designed to improve living conditions. For example, Moscow residents are offered to issue an interest-free mortgage for the purchase of real estate. In Tver, in addition to guaranteed by the state 40%, with one child can get another 10% of the price of housing. Benefits are provided with the birth of the baby. As a result, it turns out that the discount is 50%.

what benefits to a young family with a child

In Volgograd, there is an opportunity to receive benefits inthe amount of 25 000 rubles, if the baby was born before the mother reaches the age of 23 years. This decision was established to increase the birth rate at a young age and the number of young families in the region. In each subject of the country there are special features of granting an advantage. They need to be recognized by local authorities. Federal and regional programs help young families to have everything they need for a normal life.

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