/ Do you need a visa to Ceylon? Sri Lanka has simplified the procedure

Do you need a visa to Ceylon? Sri Lanka has simplified the procedure

If you decide to visit an exotic islandCeylon, then to begin with it is necessary to find out whether a visa is needed. Sri Lanka has now slightly simplified this procedure and thereby several times increased the flow of tourists to the state.

Sri Lanka visa

How to get a visa?

Until recently, Russian citizens couldwithout hindrance to visit this country without a preliminary visa at home. This regime extended to those guests who arrived in Ceylon as tourists for up to 30 days continuously. For 15 days a multiple business visa was issued. Sri Lanka also could provide a so-called transit visa, which gives the Russians the right to stay in the country for up to 7 days. Now the procedure for entering Ceylon has changed a little.

Getting a pre-visa for entry to the country as previously is not required, but now you need to have a printout of permission to visit the country and a certain package of documents.

Visa for new requirements

To tour Sri Lanka nowpreferably in advance to prepare all the necessary papers. So, for visiting the country it is necessary to issue the so-called electronic permission (ETA) on a specialized site. You can fill out the permit form yourself using the form on the site. Answer all questions in English only. The online application indicates: your passport details, name, purpose of the visit to the country, the name of the hotel where you plan to settle or the address of the person from whom you will reside in Sri Lanka.

Previously, this design was free, nowfor such a procedure is charged. For Russians, it is 30 dollars for an adult, for children under 12 years old it can be filled free of charge. After you fill out the application and send it, you will be assigned your personal number, where you can always check the status of the design. Usually the application is processed no more than 2 days. If the system refuses the applicant, it will be necessary to contact Sri Lanka's closest foreign mission and find out the reason for the ban on entering that country. If the permit is received, it must be printed and taken with you. It is also recommended that you take a copy of the notice of authorization. Extend the online permission can be up to six months, but for this you will have to contact the Immigration Department of Sri Lanka, fill in the relevant papers and re-pay the fee.

Sri Lanka visa for Russians

Other ways of obtaining ETA

If for some reason you can not get permission yourself, there is an opportunity to do this through:

  • tourist operators;
  • embassies;
  • airlines;
  • travel agencies;
  • authorized agents;
  • Department of Immigration and Immigration;
  • directly at the airport near the ETA counter (in which case you will have to pay an additional fee).

In addition, do not think that for a trip you need only a visa. Sri Lanka also puts forward such requirements to all citizens who plan to arrive on its territory:

  • the visitor of Ceylon must have a return ticket;
  • a certain amount of money that could cover the costs during the visit;
  • the validity of the passport must be at least six months from the date of entry.

tourist visa

Trip to Sri Lanka without preliminary registration

Many people ask themselves:"If I have not received prior authorization, it means that Sri Lanka is closed to me"? A visa for Russians can be issued upon arrival to the island. For this, you will receive an entry permit at the airport, after the flight. Of course, this procedure will take some time. In addition, to pay for registration will have more than at home: $ 35 per adult, for a child fee is not charged. Despite all the simplicity of registration, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, as well as spoiled rest, it is recommended to get a visa in advance.

Also do not forget about the passage of customscontrol. Sri Lanka is prohibited from importing and exporting drugs, plants, meat, weapons, pornography, commercial goods, historical, cultural and artistic values, etc. If you carry more than $ 10,000 with you, you must declare them.

Visa for long term

You can get an exit visa at the EmbassySri Lanka, which is located in Moscow. Not only Russians, but also Ukrainians, Moldovans, Byelorussians, Armenians, Georgians and residents of Kazakhstan can address this institution. Such a visa is to be paid for up to 3 months. The following documents are submitted to the embassy:

  1. Passport (its term must end at least 3 months after the end of the visit to Ceylon).
  2. Two color photos.
  3. Visa application form (to be filled in English and signed personally by the applicant).
  4. Flight tickets there with dates.
  5. Fax or the original invitation of the receiving person, who will be liable for you.
  6. A letter from a travel agency (agency), which contains information about the date, purpose of the trip, as well as personal information of the applicant.

A visa in the embassy of Sri Lanka can be issued either personally or through a representative.

visa without prior authorization

Sri Lanka: Do I need a visa for children?

Children also need to issue a visa. However, up to 12 years, this procedure is free. To leave the Russian Federation, you need to prepare such papers:

  • Birth certificate.
  • The passport of the child or the document of the parent, where he entered. If the child is 6 years old, then his photo is also pasted into the passport of the parent.
  • If the child travels alone, then a notarized power of attorney from his father and mother is needed.
  • In the event that the child enters with one of the parents, permission from the other is not required if he did not file a protest application.
    If you need a visa

As you understand, and tourists, and those whoplans to stay in Ceylon for a long time, a visa will be required. Sri Lanka is always glad to the new guests, despite this, procedures for making a visit to this country can not be avoided anyway. If you do everything correctly, the process of issuing a visa will be quick and easy.

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