/ / Crime is a concept that is considered in two aspects

Crime is a concept that is considered in two aspects

Analyzing the theory of criminal law and law, you canoften encounter such a notion as "crime", which is an integral part of criminal law relations. In this regard, there is a need for its clear understanding and specific definition. This concept is fixed in the general part of the Criminal Code.

crime is

Crime is, above all, perfectthe act of the subject, dangerous both for society and for the state, which is prohibited by this criminal law under the threat of punishment. However, from the legal point of view, this concept is not limited to a single formal definition, where only signs of wrongfulness are present. There is also a material and formal. This definition provides information that answers the question: "Why are acts prohibited by law, and the main criterion will be guilt, that is, what kind of psychological attitude to the committed wrongful act has a person?"

Proceeding from the fact that crime isillegal actions, it is worth considering the categories of crimes existing in the criminal law, that is, dividing the act in terms of severity. According to the law of the Russian Federation, they are of small severity, then there are crimes of medium gravity, then - grave and, finally, complete this list of particularly serious deeds.

crimes of medium gravity

For each of the degrees there are certain termsdeprivation of liberty, which are also specified in Art. 15 of the Criminal Code. Taking into account the maximum time of deprivation, the crimes committed are referred to the above categories. Consider, for example, an act for which a criminal law provides for a term of imprisonment of 8 to 20 years. This art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, murder, and take into account the qualifying sign - committed with particular cruelty, point "d". According to the law, this act can be attributed to particularly serious, since the maximum term of imprisonment exceeds 10 years.

Every committed crime is, in the first placeturn, an act that has its own object (the object of the crime). Under the object is understood what is directed at the perfect unlawful action. For example, crimes against health (Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), life (Article 105), property (Article 158), etc. Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - causing harm to health, that is, the object of the crime will be causing harm to the person, life or resulting in the loss of the function of an organ, or its loss. Article 105 - murder, that is, intentional deprivation of the life of another person. As it became clear, the object is human life. Article 158 - theft. This theft of property in a secret manner, belonging to another person by right of ownership, the object here will be property: real estate, vehicle, telephone, securities,

crimes against health

Thus, it can be concluded thatcrime is a concept that is closely related to such sections as the criminal law and the institution of punishment. However, the legislator did not reflect the class feature in this concept, arguing that there are no ruling classes in Russia, and the institution of political power is the same for all.

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