In the process of designing any structurespecial attention is paid to the calculation of building materials, since this will determine the cost of the object. The greatest difficulty, especially for non-specialists, is usually the calculation of the cubic capacity of sawnwood, because they are not sold by weight or by the piece. A simple buyer often does not know that the cost of sawn timber is formed taking into account their quality, but here the role is played by breed, grade, degree of processing and even length.
What you need to consider when buying lumber?
The quality of lumber is regulated by manyState standards, regulations and technical conditions with which individual developers, of course, are not familiar. This is what the sellers of this category of building materials use. Therefore, even if you manage to correctly calculate the volume of lumber, it is not a fact that you buy a quality product, and its quantity will correspond to the one for which you paid the money. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, you need to know the basic rules for measuring the most common types of lumber.
Learning to count correctly
In the woodworking field there are twoconcepts of cubic meter - tight and foldable. Lumber prices in the price lists are for dense cubic meters, but unscrupulous sellers may sell lumber by folding cubic meters, in which case you will have to pay part of the money for the air. To prevent this from happening, storage cubic meters should be converted to dense cubic meters. The current standards provide for the sorting of slab into two categories, based on its length, up to 2 m and over 2 m. The croaker fits into piles by alternating thick and thin ends, as well as a slab surface. Laying should be as tight as possible. Stacks should have the same height and right angles. Multiplying the length, width and height of the stack, we get the folding cubic capacity. Now it needs to be translated into a dense cubature. Although the calculation will be approximate, it will still help to establish the true volume of lumber. Approximately it looks like this: folding / tight = 1.3 / 1 m3.
Calculation of cubic capacity of timber
It is much easier to calculate the cubic capacity of the trim board.or timber, as these types of sawn timber have clear forms, therefore they are tightly packed in packages, and 1 cubic meter corresponds to its value. These materials need to measure the length, height and width - it will be the volume of one unit, by calculating which, you can already easily calculate the cubic capacity of lumber required for purchase. To do this, the result must be multiplied by the required number of elements. Naturally, this formula will be valid only under the condition that each unit of material has the same linear dimensions.
Calculation of cubic capacity of roundwood
It is more difficult to calculate the cubic capacity of roundwood - herea roulette and a calculator are indispensable, therefore such calculations are made using special tables or software products. Since logs can differ in their size, it is necessary to measure each individual element. So, the calculation of the cubic capacity of sawn timber of this type is made as follows: the length of the log and its diameter are measured on the side where it is smaller. The obtained data is entered into a special electronic calculator or searched in the table. The result is the volume of a single log.