/ / Any state is characterized by ... Signs peculiar to any state

Any state is characterized by ... Signs peculiar to any state

The state is the highest form of organizationsociety. Its main function is to ensure protection and satisfaction of individual and group interests through the use of law in a certain territory. Any state is characterized by a number of features that will be considered in this article.

The main features of the state

Any state is characterized by certain features that distinguish it from other forms of organization of power and society.

1. Public power and society are divided and do not coincide with each other.
2. Территориальная организация.In primitive times, power and society were formed depending on the existence of family ties. The modern state is organized on a territorial basis. This means that the power extends to all persons who live in the country.
3. Any state is characterized by the existence of a tax system.
4. Power is in the hands of a certain group of people. They are specially trained and have some rights and benefits, through which they carry out the functions assigned to them.
5. The competence of the state extends to all subjects of legal relations that are on its territory, and covers all spheres of public life.
6. The state is the spokesperson for the interests of all citizens.

Any state is characterized by

The difference between the state and other political organizations

Any state is characterized by certain features that distinguish it from other political organizations.

Any state is characterized by

1. Sovereignty. The state has full authority in its territory and independently of other countries.
2. The exclusive right to make laws.
3. On the territory designated by the borders of the country, there can only be one state, while there may be several other organizations (public or political).
4. Monopoly right to establish the size of the tax from the population and the formation of a budget.
5. Only the state can apply methods of coercion to achieve fulfillment of its requirements and orders that concern subjects of social and political life.
6. The right to speak on behalf of the entire population, while other organizations are representatives of the interests of only their members.

The main principle of the state

Любое государство характеризуется верховенством the rights. At the present stage it is one of the main conditions for the existence of the country. The principle of the rule of law is decisive in the formation of all institutions of the state and society as a whole. Law - the highest social value, the main landmark. The founder of the rule of law is A. Daisy. It was he who identified the main components of this phenomenon.
1. The inadmissibility of arbitrary power.
2. Equality of all before the law.
3. Constitutional law is a result of respect for human rights, not their source.

Any state is characterized by the rule of law

State Functions

Any state is characterized by the existence of a number of internal and external functions.

1. Organizational. The main goal of the state is to preserve and achieve the common good, unity, and also to regulate the relationship between the government and the people.
2. Protective. The state ensures the observance of legality and the immutability of existing relationships in society. In addition, it advocates the rights of all citizens.
3. Economic. One of the most important functions of the state is the formation of the country's budget and tax policy.
4. Social. This function is to protect the rights of the population. It includes the organization of the health care system, education, etc.
5. Protecting the country from the threat of foreign interference.
6. Conducting international politics, organizing cooperation with other states.

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