/ / Which kitchen sink to choose? Sink for kitchen

Which kitchen sink to choose? Sink for kitchen

Washing dishes can not be called a pleasant experience.However, making the right choice of kitchen sink, you can minimize the number of negative emotions. Currently, the modern market offers such a huge assortment of various models that even such a simple object with the right choice will be able to decorate the interior and will surely please you every day!

what kitchen sink to choose

Sinks for the kitchen

The presence of a convenient and high-quality sink in the kitchen -the key to successful preparation of delicious dishes and perfect purity. It is so important that the cooking process proceeds in the most comfortable conditions. Which kitchen sink to choose? Product models that are represented in modern markets vary significantly:

  • way of embedding in kitchen furniture;
  • the number of wash bowls;
  • manufacturing material;
  • the shape of the bowls, their depth;
  • color.

kitchen sink how to choose

Basic selection criteria

On sale there is a huge range, howdeal with such diversity and get the most suitable result? What kitchen sink to choose, so that the quality, cost, functionality and beauty are perfectly combined in it, and for a long time it could please its owner?

First of all, you need to consider the following factors when purchasing:

  1. Durability. The outer layer of the sink should be sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress, constant friction with small objects.
  2. Wash depth.This quality is no less important, since a large amount of dishes cannot be put into a shallow sink, and it is rather inconvenient to wash it close to the faucet. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the depth and set the mixer higher.
  3. Strength.No one can insure against falling into the sink of any large objects that can damage it. In the first place in terms of strength is artificial stone, and the latter belongs to ceramics.
  4. Antibacterial properties. Acrylic resins are good here, since microorganisms do not accumulate on them due to their smooth surface.
  5. Chemistry resistance.As a rule, the constant impact of various detergents over time leads to corrosion of the surface protective layer. The best in this regard are products made of fiberglass, mineral casting and most ceramics.
  6. The ability to restore the damaged surface. In this regard, the artificial stone is in the lead, but it is difficult to restore the chipping on an ordinary enamel.
  7. Moisture resistance. It should be remembered that pottery without a protective layer can absorb liquid and after a certain time change its original color.
  8. Performance characteristics. Manufacturer indicates recommended service life.

what kitchen sink to choose reviews

Sink for the kitchen, what to choose? Size and shape

Modern car wash can have not onlyclassic form, but also to be made with the most bizarre curves and geometry, which is able to fit into the bold technical solutions. They are equipped with one, two or even three bowls. In addition, they are made with one or two wings, with an automatic valve, washing equipment is equipped with openings for water overflow, they install a waste chopper, an additional tap for filtered water, and much more. For comfortable use, it is recommended to choose sinks with a depth of about 18 cm.

To decide which kitchen sink to choose, you must first choose its shape.

Classic rectangular or square sink

Такие формы остаются популярными на протяжении не one dozen years. Classic-shaped sinks don't necessarily look boring. The use of various materials and their manufacturing techniques give them a fairly respectable and modern look. As a rule, such sinks have the following sizes: 50 × 60 cm, 60 × 60 cm, 80 × 60 cm, 100 x 60 cm, 120 × 60 cm.

Round or oval sinks

Овальная форма моек сейчас начинает все больше to be popular. They look very nice, perfectly placed in the corner ends, have good spaciousness, are very convenient to maintain, as they have no corners in which dirt accumulates.

Which kitchen sink to choose - round or square, depends on the taste and preferences of the hostess.

Which kitchen sink to choose a round or square

Sinks for two, three bowls

These are very popular and functional sinks.In one of the bowls you can wash, for example, dishes, and in the second - vegetables and fruits. In some cases, washes are made with one large full bowl and a second, smaller in size and depth. Also popular are their triple variants, consisting of two large bowls and a small one placed in the middle. The appearance of these sinks is quite presentable. It happens and the combined form of bowls. For example, the main sink for the kitchen is made square, and the additional one is round, semicircular, triangular, etc. However, this option has one drawback - a rather high price, which, however, is justified, and it’s not a pity to pay for such a wonderful kitchen "assistant" .

Often the question is how to choose a sinkfor the kitchen - with or without a wing. Wings - additional working surface to the right or left of the shell. If the wing is between the hob and the sink, it can also be used as a stand for hot pots and pans. If the choice stops at the “one-wing” design, you need to clearly know from which side you can install the wing on your worktop. Reversible models are available, the installation of which is performed both on the right and on the left. These models do not have holes for the installation of the mixer, it is necessary to do it yourself or fix the mixer in the countertop.

what kitchen sink to choose with or without a wing

Other forms of sinks

These car washes are not common andthey are used either in the presence of limited space, or their unusual shape becomes an ornament of a non-standard room. For example, a triangular sink can ideally fit into a corner of the cabinet and at the same time does not take up extra space in a small kitchen, and the installation of a huge moon-shaped sink is a unique element of a bold design solution.

So, we looked at what forms a kitchen sink can have. Which one to choose is a personal matter for everyone.

Wash material

If you have decided on the form, you should choosematerial for the sink, think over what qualities are more important for you: beauty, elegance, increased durability, etc. We suggest to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of modern materials in order to finally decide which is better for the kitchen, which one to choose from the most popular and common options.

Stainless steel sinks

This is the most popular option to date.Most often, stainless steel sinks in the kitchen are bought by families who prefer the modern style. The main advantage of this type of plumbing is an acceptable cost. In addition, the additional advantages of washing stainless steel:

  1. Good ductility. If suddenly a plate or another household item falls into such a sink, it may well remain intact.
  2. Resistant to impact and corrosion. These qualities of stainless steel sinks allow her to preserve her beauty over the years.
  3. Various shapes and sizes. You can choose the right option for any size kitchen.
  4. Easy to care.Cleaning such plumbing can be done by any tough means. Since the surface structure is non-porous, the dirt does not linger in it. This makes it possible to maintain the aesthetics of the sink for a long period of time.

This type of sink has only one drawback - it is noise. But now you can buy a fairly quiet stainless steel sink, which has a layer of sound absorber.

Shells are stamped and welded, the latter are more expensive, but are distinguished by their durability. Welded stainless steel sinks come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

Stainless steel sinks can have the following types of surface:

  1. Glossy.The car wash decorated with the relief pattern looks especially effective. However, such models need careful maintenance. After each use, wipe the polished surface dry.
  2. Matte. Such shells also have a different texture. But caring for them is more simple.

When buying a stainless steel sink, you need to remember that a magnet will not be attracted to real stainless steel.

Sinks from an artificial stone

For those who prefer the interiorclassic style, the best option - stone sink for the kitchen. Sinks made of natural stone in the store will not work. Stone sinks are mainly made of quartz sand and marble chips to order.

Artificial stone sinks have a number of advantages:

  1. They have high strength. In order to scratch such a sink, pin or break, it will take a lot of effort.
  2. Shells are resistant to chemicals and are also resistant to very low and high temperatures.
  3. Sinks have an aesthetic appearance. They can be made in any color. Design execution of a sink from an artificial stone is capable to emphasize refinement of kitchen and to become its real decoration.

Disadvantages of this option:

  1. The high cost of sinks.
  2. Granite has a porous structure, so it absorbs odors and dirt.
  3. These sinks are made of agglomerate and acrylic stone, which is quite capricious and is capable of deterioration due to high temperature.
    kitchen sink

Sinks from ceramics

Plain pottery is not the best material forproduction of kitchen sinks, for this reason they are made of porcelain stoneware, which has high strength and resistance to temperature and mechanical stress.

One of the main advantages of ceramic sinks is their noiselessness. In addition, they have a rather stylish design, thanks to which sinks can harmoniously fit into the classic kitchen.

Those who decide to opt for a ceramic sink for the kitchen are advised to ask for help when installing it, since these sinks are heavy, which greatly complicates their installation. Another drawback of these sinks - their price, which is five or more times the cost of a stainless steel.

So, we have considered what material the kitchen sink is made of, which one to choose (photo examples are meant to help with this) - it's up to you.

Mortise kitchen sink

Washing installation

Which kitchen sink to choose: the invoice, mortise or integrated?

  1. Laid on washing. They put it on a kitchen cabinet, which stands separately, and has no top, replacing it with a worktop.
  2. Sink for kitchen is mounted in speciallyfor her, a sawn hole in the tabletop, and she leans sidewalls on its surface. The kit includes a special rubber seal. Mortise sink for kitchen can be installed in any surface, and with their own.
  3. Integrated sinks are installed either at the level with the table top or below it. Such a "recessed" sink is almost imperceptible, and its depth is slightly increased.

Which kitchen sink to choose: reviews

Wash is an indispensable attribute on eachthe kitchen. Their range is huge. Which kitchen sink to choose? Reviews are very different, depending on the preferences of the owners. But the most important thing is that it harmoniously coexists in form and color with the surrounding kitchen items, such as furniture, technical appliances. In addition, it should be moderately roomy and easy to use.

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