/ / The drug "Gamavit" for cats: how to use it better?

The drug "Gamavit" for cats: how to use it better?

The remedy "Gamavit" for cats is a complexa preparation containing amino acids, microelements, vitamins. The main active ingredients in it - placenta extract (biogenic stimulant) and sodium nucleate (immunomodulator). If you speak the language understandable for any cat owner, it is an aid to the immunity of your pet with various diseases and malnutrition. All components are selected in such a way to "run" the immunity of the kitty, reinforcing it with vitamin-mineral supplements. It normalizes the cellular composition and blood counts, and also affects the metabolic processes. As a result, the animal's skin and hair condition improves. Stressful situations no longer exert such an influence on him as before, there is an increased tolerance of loads and, finally, the birth rate increases.

gamavit for cats

The drug "Gamavit" for cats: instructions and indications for use

gamavit for cats instruction

Apply it intramuscularly, subcutaneously ordrip. For preventive purposes (with anemia, old animals or weakened - in the postoperative period), usually 0.1 ml per 1 kg of body weight of the animal 3 times a week, intramuscularly. The course of 2-4 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease. For therapeutic purposes, a single dose of 0.3 - 0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight of the animal in combination with other drugs.

The agent "Gamavit" for cats is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Treatment of intoxication (including poisoning with antiparasitic drugs).
  2. Rehabilitation in the postoperative period.
  3. After taking antibiotics.
  4. In a complex in the treatment of viral, parasitic, bacterial diseases.
  5. For weakened animals with immunodeficiency and anemia.
  6. For the treatment of post-stress situations.
  7. As a supporting tool before exhibitions and competitions.
  8. Weakened old animal.
  9. Cats in the postpartum period.
  10. Small kittens to maintain immunity.

The instruction accompanying the preparation is approximate. Before using it, consult with the veterinarian so that, on the basis of tests and general examination, individually set the dosage.


The drug "Gamavit" for cats does not havecontraindications, perfectly combined with other medicines. It is used as a fortifying agent for animals of any age - both for prevention and treatment of already existing diseases of various genesis, including chronic ones.

Who is suitable for "Gamavit"

gamavit parrot

These vitamins are suitable not only for cats, theirappoint and other animals. For example, you can give the drug "Gamavit" to a parrot, but here it is necessary to take into account one of its features. In the open air the agent very quickly spoils, therefore, feeding up the beloved parrot with vitamins, add the solution of the drug to the water and change it every four hours. Open the bottle of medicine should be kept in the refrigerator so that it does not deteriorate.

Why is it necessary to give a remedy "Gamavit" to animals?

The drug "Gamavit" for cats - an excellent means of maintaining the immunity of your pet. His advantages:

  • low price, compared to foreign counterparts;
  • convenient form of release;
  • a wide range of activities;
  • absence of contraindications;
  • excellent for both the prevention of diseases, and in the complex in their treatment.

Take care of your pet beforehand, and he will answer you with love!

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