/ / "Renal Edvansed" (for cats): testimony, application, owner's feedback

"Renal Edvansed" (for cats): testimony, application, owner's feedback

The disease of a pet brings suffering notonly the animal itself, but also causes a lot of problems to the owner, who seeks to help a four-footed friend. If your cat is diagnosed with chronic renal failure (CRF), the veterinarian will certainly recommend to you a feed supplement called Renal Edvansed (for cats).

rennal edvanded for cats

Form of issue and composition

Feed additive Renal Advanced from Italianrepresentatives is a powder that improves the metabolism, normalizing the activity of the kidneys, including with diagnosed chronic renal failure. The composition includes the following active substances:

  • bioflavonoids of orange;
  • fructooligosaccharides;
  • vitamin B6;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin B12;
  • folic acid;
  • bacterial culture (Lactobacillus acidophillius, Enterococcus faecium);
  • maltodextrin (excipient).

The drug is packaged in polymer jars of 40 grams.

rennal edvansed for cats reviews

Pharmacological properties and indications for use

Feed supplement "Renal Edvansed" for cats improves the function of the digestive system, reduces hyperaemia and oxidative stress, normalizes non-regenerative anemia.

The drug is recommended for use in:

  • CRF;
  • control of metabolic disorders caused by renal failure (in later stages).

The course of admission is thirty days, but it can be increased by the appointment of a veterinarian.

 Enrened for cats

"Renal Edvansed" (for cats): way of administration and dose

The feed additive is mixed with the feed at the rate of:1 serving (measuring spoon) of animals weighing up to 2.5 kg, cats up to five kilograms - 2 spoons, 3 servings - animals weighing more than five kilograms. The recommended dose of "Renal Edvansed" (for cats) can be crushed by 2-3 times, in accordance with the number of feedings. The additive can be used as an individual drug and as an adjunct to conventional therapy in the treatment of CRF. In addition, "Renal Edvansed" (for cats) is combined with special diets for kidney dysfunction.

Side effects and contraindications

When using the product according to the instructions andcompliance with dosage of side effects is not noted. Contraindications include individual sensitivity and intolerance of individual components of the drug.

 rennal edvansed for cats reviews

Tips for veterinarians

Veterinarians recommend mixing the drug with canned food. When appointing a diet that is based on dry food, it should be slightly moistened so that it mixes better with the powder.

Storage conditions

"Renal Edvansed" (for cats) should be stored in a place protected from the sun, dry, inaccessible to children. Storage temperature: 0 to 25 ° C. The drug is stored for no more than 24 months.

"Renal Edvanded" for cats: analogues. Ipakitine

White powder, prepacked in plasticjars with a measuring spoon (France). Assign adult cats with chronic non-infectious etiology to achieve long-term remission, improve the condition of the animal, prevent complications of the disease.

rennal edvanded for cats

Mode of application

The drug is administered twice daily to animals,mixing with wet food. Duration of the course of treatment - from three to six months, depending on the condition of the animal, its age, individual characteristics of the organism. A cat should receive a large amount of water.


Veterinarians quite often appoint "RenalEdvansed »(for cats). Reviews of the owners are mostly positive. The condition of the animal is improving quite quickly. However, most animal owners note that greater effectiveness is achieved in the combination of supplements with therapy and diet.

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