/ / Remedies for bruises and bruises

Remedies for bruises and bruises

Few people did not encounter such an unpleasantphenomenon like a bruise or bruise after a stroke. Such traces can be difficult enough to hide under clothing or a layer of foundation. To prompt resorption of the bruise should be used special medications from bruises. With the timely application of such a drug, you can significantly reduce the process of recovery from injury.

What is a bruise and bruise?

A bruise is called soft tissue injurywithout compromising the integrity of the skin. This type of injury is familiar to everyone, probably. It is characterized by damage to blood vessels and cells. A few days later, a bruise with a characteristic purple-red hue forms on the site of the bruise. The outflow of blood from the vessel will gradually resolve, and the color of the bruise will also begin to change.

Means from bruises

Fully traces of injury disappear on their own for2-3 weeks. The recovery process will help to accelerate the funds from bruises, which are presented in a wide range. Before you start self-treatment of a pathological phenomenon, you need to make sure that the bruise is insignificant and you can do without the help of a specialist.

How quickly to get rid of a hematoma?

If the appearance of a bruise was prevented,you can try to minimize the consequences. First of all, a cold compress should be applied to the damaged area of ​​soft tissue. It is best to use ice for this, but in its absence, you can use other well-cooled objects. Thanks to the cold, the vessels will begin to contract, which will significantly reduce the flow of blood, and the bruise will be much smaller. Cold compresses are applied only in the first day.

Remedy for bruises and bruises

Experts recommend that as early as possible to start using pharmaceutical products that will help remove inflammation, pain and have a positive effect on the damaged vessels.

Choosing the best remedy for bruises

Pharmaceutical companies offer a variety ofdrugs that will help quickly eliminate traces of bruises on soft tissues. Their therapeutic effect is based on the suppression of the inflammatory process and pain syndrome. In addition, the remedy for bruises and bruises should dissolve blood under the skin by accelerating the recovery (regeneration) of cells.

Remedy for foot injury

Choosing a medicine to treat hematomas,It is necessary to give preference to gels that have a light texture and are quickly absorbed. Good tools for bruising funds based on troxerutin and heparin: "Troxevasin", "Lyoton", "Heparin-Acrigel", "Troxerutin." No less effective are preparations for external use that have natural ingredients ("Badiaga", "Arnika", "Traumeel C"). To treat bruises and sprains in the first days apply ointments with a cooling effect. On the 3-5th day, you can start using warming agents to dissolve the hematoma.

Treatment of a bruise on the face

Hematoma on the face can be formed by the mostfor different reasons. Such injuries pose a great danger to health. In most cases, they are associated with concussion and other serious injuries. Yes, and a person with bruises on his face looks suspicious and attracts the attention of others. To quickly get rid of this "decoration", you need to use the remedy for bruises.

On the face, the hematomas dissolve somewhat faster,than on other parts of the body. However, the use of medications, for example, such as "Bruise-OFF", will accelerate this process. Also, do not forget about the cold compress in the first hours after the injury. In severe cases it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Ointment "Troxevasin"

One of the most popular tools forelimination of bruising is an ointment from the group of angioprotectors "Troxevasin". Also a version of the drug - "Troxevasin Neo" is produced. They are used to improve the condition of capillaries and veins. The agent has the following medicinal properties:

  • strengthens the walls of capillaries;
  • Cures inflammation and swelling;
  • reduces the permeability of capillaries;
  • blocks pain syndrome;
  • improves microcirculation in damaged tissues.

The best remedy for bruises

The main active substance of the drug -troxerutin. As auxiliary components in the "Troxevasin Neo" there are dexpanthenol and heparin. In the treatment of hematomas this ointment is recommended to be applied immediately after a bruise of soft tissues.

"Troxevasin" can be used as a remedy forbruises and bruises on the face. The active substance quickly penetrates into the middle layers of the dermis, it has a tonic effect on the walls of the vessels. This leads to a significant reduction in swelling and stopping subcutaneous bleeding.

How to apply "Troxevasin"?

The agent is applied a thin layer to the site of the injury andrub with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. It should be borne in mind that it is forbidden to apply ointment to open wounds. For a more pronounced effect, a tight bandage can be applied to the injury site. "Troxevasin" is applied up to four times a day until the swelling is gone.

Contraindications to the use of "Troxevasin"

The product can not be used with open wounds, hypersensitivity to components. Also, do not prescribe ointment for women in the first trimester of pregnancy and patients younger than 18 years.

Homeopathic remedy "Traumeel C"

Expressed therapeutic effect hasa homeopathic preparation manufactured by the well-known pharmaceutical company Heel, "Traumeel C". The action of the remedy against bruises is to remove swelling and inflammation, arrest pain, improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels, accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.

Means against bruises on the face

The following medicinal plants are included in the complex homeopathic preparation:

  • mountain arnica;
  • yarrow;
  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • belladonna;
  • daisy;
  • narrow-leaved and purple echinacea;
  • Comfrey Pharmacy.

The ointment also contains sulfuric calcium liver andsoluble Hahnemann mercury. According to the instructions, direct indications for the use of the drug are stretches, soft tissue bruises, bruises, etc. "Traumeel C" can be applied to the damaged site up to 5 times a day. The drug is well combined with other medicines in the complex treatment.

Heparin ointment with bruises

Inexpensive and effective means usedalready a long time in medical practice, is a heparin ointment. The active component of the drug - heparin - has anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effect. The substance dissolves blood clots.

Remedy for bruises and bruises on the face

Most often, the ointment is used as an effectiveremedy for a bruise (legs, for example). It quickly removes swelling, pain syndrome. Often patients apply heparin ointment to eliminate bruises on the face. However, it should be borne in mind that it contains nicotinic acid, which causes vasodilation on the surface of the skin. This causes reddening of the skin when applying the ointment and may slightly increase the hematoma.

"Dolobien" with sprains and bruises

Gel for topical application "Dolobien" refers toto the most powerful drugs that are recommended for use in hematomas. The active ingredients of the drug are simultaneously three substances: sodium heparin, dexpanthenol and dimethylsulfoxide. The remedy for bruises and sprains has a comprehensive effect, removing inflammation and swelling of soft tissues, anesthetizing and restoring damaged tissues. The components of the drug quickly penetrate through the skin.

Means against bruises and sprains

The gel can be used for bruises of variousetiology, sports injuries, inflammation of muscle tissue, sprains, bruises. After applying the product on the skin, you should wait for it to completely absorb and apply a bandage.

Contraindications to the use of "Dolobien"

Like other means from bruises, the drug"Dolobien" has some contraindications. Ointment is not used for violations in the liver and kidneys, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, stroke and myocardial infarction. Do not appoint "Dolobene" during pregnancy, as well as to treat children under 5 years.

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