/ Flux. Treatment. Prevention

Flux. Treatment. Prevention

Flux in common people called acute periostitisjaws or inflammatory process in the periosteum, accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues of the face and submandibular area. If the flux developed, treatment should begin immediately.


Periostitis or flux begins with redness andedema of the mucosa around the teeth. There is severe pain, body temperature rises, lymph nodes increase, general weakness is observed. Pain can give to the neck, head, ear, temple, eye. After 1-2 days there is swelling of soft tissues of the submaxillary region, cheeks, lips, wings of the nose, infraorbital area, eyelids, depending on where the affected tooth is located. When there is swelling, the pain may subside. The diagnosis of the disease is based on a clinical picture, anamnesis and an X-ray examination.


The main and most frequent cause of flux developmentis the started caries of teeth. Periostitis can develop with exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. Some believe that the flux is the result of hypothermia. In fact, this is not so. Cold leads to an exacerbation of already existing diseases.

The cause of the appearance of edema can be a trauma to the tooth and tissues around it, resulting in a bone or an internal hematoma is formed.


Flux of the tooth, the treatment of which must passonly in a dental clinic at a dental surgeon, does not tolerate self-treatment, as failure to provide timely medical assistance can lead to serious complications. If you find the first signs of periostitis, you must immediately go to the doctor. In no case should it be possible, as a pre-hospital aid, to apply heat to the affected site, which will only increase inflammation and an influx of pus, and take any medications. If the flux developed, the treatment with folk remedies will not help here - only professional help.

Treatment of periostitis combines surgical intervention, medication and physiotherapy.

If there is a flux, treatment in most casesis the removal of a sick tooth, since its preservation is often impossible. To make an outflow of pus, a local incision is made in the gum and a rubber drainage is installed for two days so that the hole does not close.

If the tooth can be retained, after removalInflammation, as a rule, after five days, clean and seal the canals, put a seal. In addition, prescribed antibiotics, painkillers and antihistamines tablets, for example, prescribe means "Doxycycline" and "Diazolin".

For rapid removal of inflammation and resorptioninfiltrate appoint a course of physiotherapy, namely UHF and fluctuorization. It is suggested to drink more liquid - water, natural juices. To relieve pain, it is recommended to apply ice to the cheek and make soda rinses.

Often when a periostitis is shown sick leave. Recovery after the onset of treatment in the health facility comes on the average after three or four days.


It often happens that patients who have found a flux,treatment is postponed by the doctor, feeling a fear of dentistry, or they hope that everything will pass by itself. In fact, periostitis of the jaw is a serious disease requiring immediate assistance. Running flux can turn into life-threatening complications. Refusal to visit a doctor or self-medication can lead to such complications as abscess, phlegmon, osteomyelitis, sepsis. All of the above diseases are accompanied by high fever and require long-term treatment in the hospital. Complications of periostitis can lead to death.


How to avoid such a disease, as a flux? Treatment of patients with teeth and jaw injuries, regular visits to the dentist, compliance with the hyena of the oral cavity - reliable prevention of periostitis.

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