Inattention to one's health, to teeth inin particular, as well as the reluctance to visit a dentist may be the cause of the appearance of a disease such as flux. In the people they call the swelling of the face, which arises from the sick teeth. In medicine, this disease is called a periostitis.
Symptomatology of the disease
Understanding what a flux is, the symptoms will helpdisease. First of all, there is inflammation immediately around the dead tooth. It begins to spread beyond the bone in the facial soft tissue. Therefore, there is a puffiness and rounded face from the side where the problem is. There is an increase in body temperature, gums and cheeks swell, there is pain in the jaws of the aching nature, which can give in the ear. In the event that the purulent sac is on the upper jaw, eyelids may swell up. What is the flux in acute form, should be understood by the fact that after a period of time pus begins to spill between the muscles, and affects the tissues, not only facial, but also cervical. This neglect can be fatal.
The chronic form proceeds slowly, and leads to the fact that the jawbone thickens from the side of the lesion.
Etiology of origin
Before knowing how to cure the flux,to study the reasons for its occurrence. The appearance of the disease can contribute to tooth decay, damage to the mucous membrane of the skin or mouth, inflammation between the tooth and gum and other causes. However, to resolve the issue of what is a flux, you need to understand that its occurrence is associated with infection. In the event that treatment is not started on time, in the oral cavity favorable conditions are created to increase the number of bacteria that quickly corrode the pulp and periosteum.
Treatment of flux
In order to relieve the inflammation andanother symptomatology, it is necessary to decide what to rinse out the flux. The bark of an oak is good. Two tablespoons pour 500 ml of boiling water and allow to infuse for half an hour. In the event that in the home medicine cabinet there is a sage or a bluehole, then their tincture on vodka will soften the pain and have a disinfecting effect.
The use of rinses is an integralpart of the treatment of this disease. However, most often it is not enough, and without medical intervention can not do. The dentist will not only explain what a flux is, but also will eliminate the purulent focus. The surgeon will perform this action by opening an abscess, after which the pus will come out. For the outflow in the section, drainage is left, which is made of a rubber tube.
In order for the recovery to be more successful, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and physiotherapy to help remove the inflammation and heat.
It is worth remembering that some methods of treatment can not be used in the treatment of flux.
Например, согревающий компресс может привести к rapid multiplication of bacteria and, as a consequence, the patient's condition may worsen. It is not recommended to apply bandages to a sore spot, because you can accidentally press on a purulent bag, as a result, pus penetrate into other areas, and this is fraught with the appearance of phlegmon. The intake of antibiotics should be strictly regulated by a specialist, since not all drugs in this group can be effective.
For a couple of hours before visiting a doctor, you should not take painkillers. This will help the doctor to diagnose more easily and, accordingly, to more accurately draw up a treatment regimen.
After the dental surgeon has opened the abscess, do not take aspirin-containing medications, as they increase the risk of bleeding.
If the pain does not decrease after 10 hours after the purulent sac removal, then it is necessary to run to the doctor without delay.