/ / Badger fat: good and bad, useful properties, like taking, reviews

Badger fat: benefit and harm, useful properties, how to take, reviews

Take care of your health and the levelImmunity is independent of your condition and time of year. One should not forget to eat healthy and healthy foods, and also strengthen immunity, using additional sources of health. Let's talk about such an interesting product as badger fat. The benefits of it were known to our grandmothers, and today we will try to figure out whether he is really capable of acting so magically on the body, and whether it does not harm.

Is he able to heal?

Many people who checked themselves badgerfat, speak of it almost as a superfood, which is able not only to speed up treatment for many diseases, but also to become an excellent preventive remedy for all colds and many witches that can disturb the human body. It often acts as the main component of folk remedies from "grandmother's" recipes, and many are convinced that the benefits of badger fat to the human body are not yet fully appreciated, and if it does not help, then certainly it does no harm.

The main unique properties due to the composition

Fat of animals that are studded in winter sometimesfall into hibernation, able to feed the body for a very long period due to the fact that useful elements, substances and minerals in it are provided in a concentrated form. If we evaluate badger fat, the benefits for the human body are brought here due to the presence of the following components:

  • Linoleic fatty acid and linolenic fattyacid. These polyunsaturated acids belong to the class of necessary and even irreplaceable for organisms living beings. It is they who keep cholesterol in the blood at a level favorable for a person, and also they can reduce inflammation foci. Such properties are important both for young people and for older people, in whom excess cholesterol is actively deposited on the walls of the vessels, and inflammation of the joints is excruciating more and more often. Linoleic acid even balances sugar, the level of which can rise in the blood with malnutrition.
  • Oleic acid is another major oilyacid, which boasts badger fat. The benefit of it in the body is as follows: the acid is also capable of normalizing cholesterol, but the main thing is that it activates the production of antioxidants by the human body, and also inhibits the development of malignant tumors.
  • Vitamin A.Even bad eyes are necessary to improve the vision and condition of bones. The benefit for them is due to the increased amount of this particular vitamin, which makes the skin more completely, strengthens the nails and hair, even at some level slows down the aging of the body. Vitamin A is the first and very effective remedy for oncology.
  • Vitamins of group B - improvement of metabolic processesat all levels is carried out only with their participation. And they are the reserve source of energy for the human body when it gives itself up to regular overvoltages.

badger fat use

How does badger oil help to heal wounds?

Long-known in practice and confirmed withthe point of view of medicine is the fact: it is this folk remedy that facilitates the healing of the most terrible wounds and abrasions. If you have a similar problem, then without a doubt, you can use this tool. This is the most obvious benefit of badger fat for children who have light abrasions - this is normal, and to promote healing with the help of natural products - the right decision.

Badger fat is good and bad

A variety of applications

It is necessary to understand that badger fat is notA universal elixir of youth and health for the whole organism. There are specific areas of traditional medicine in which it is appropriate to use badger fat. Benefits and harm to the body from such a drug depend on the correctness and adequacy of its use for self-help or treatment of their loved ones.

Can I treat the respiratory system with it?

The use of badger fat for the lungs is observed in the following diseases of the human respiratory system:

  • frequent and protracted colds due to weakened immunity;
  • pneumonia;
  • cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis (this is a scientifically proven fact that badger fat acts on the life of a tubercle bacillus).

With such diseases, badger fat as an auxiliary will bring relief if the patient takes it orally on an empty stomach for a whole tablespoon at least two weeks.

Badger fat is good and bad for taking

If there are problems with blood circulation, badger fat will help!

Benefits and harm, how to take such fat in diseases of the heart and circulatory system - these are the most frequently asked questions. Let's look at the beginning, under what diseases it helps:

  • with hypertension;
  • with ischemic disease;
  • with atherosclerosis.

Again, we take this product inside.

When is this fat used externally?

The use of badger fat for the human body

Badger fat can be applied externally (that is, applied to the surface of the skin) with the following problems:

  • with diseases of the spine and joints - arthritis and sciatica will weaken their vises a little, if you use badger fat for compresses;
  • the benefits for men who are engaged in sports from such an "ointment" is expressed in the fact that its elements are able to penetrate into tissues and significantly reduce pain after hard training;
  • rubbing badger fat for colds is also a very effective adjuvant.

Some contraindications

It is worthwhile to understand that it is not useful for all people to take badger fat. Benefits and harm are discussed further.

Harm can be inflicted on the body if you do not take into account contraindications, the main of which are the following:

  • individual intolerance to the product is the first taboo;
  • if you have liver or pancreas disease. It is not recommended to use such fat and those who have been diagnosed with bile duct problems;
  • It is not necessary to apply and for treatment of children, notsix years old, badger fat. Benefits and harm, how to take, are irrelevant questions in the treatment of children, because the children's organism simply can not normally process such a product. Even the decision to take fat for children older than six years should be taken only in conjunction with the pediatrician.

The use of badger fat for the lungs

Side effects

Like any drug or folk remedymedicine, badger fat can cause side effects when used to treat a particular disease. If you have allergic reactions (even small localized rashes or mild itching), nausea, and vomiting or diarrhea, it is worth giving up such treatment, since, perhaps, your body simply can not process such a product.

How to make a child take badger fat

badger fat is good for men

Many mothers encountered a similar problem:the kid simply refuses to take an unpleasant medicine for him. If you, together with the pediatrician, came to the conclusion that your child needs to take badger fat, it is worth considering how you can mask his specific smell and taste.

Doctors recommend mixing this product with the following ingredients:

  • with natural, enough liquid honey, preferably one that your chad likes;
  • with raspberry jam;
  • with fresh black currant, pre-grated with sugar or powdered sugar;
  • with broth of rose hips.
    Badger fat for children

Proportion we observe the following:on three measures of fat we take one measure of an additional ingredient. It is important to explain to the child that this medicine is, and that it will allow him very soon to feel healthy and again to play with friends.

Choose good badger fat

According to some external indicators, it is realisticindependently to distinguish good badger fat from a product of poor quality. First, pay attention to the color, which should be uniform, almost white with a slightly yellowish tinge. The smell and taste of badger fat can not be confused with anything if you've tried it before. Check whether the product you are offering is different.

If the color of the fat is too yellow, and you are bright orslightly feel rotten smell, then give up such fat. Do not spend money on a product that is packaged in plastic containers, but does not have a date for packaging.

A simple test of the quality and naturalness of fat:observe how he behaves at room temperature. If it does not melt and does not flow gently in the tank, abandon the idea of ​​treating yourself or the child with such fat.

By the way, the manufacturer must specify the expiry date of such product on its packaging. If there is none, believe the word to the seller is not worth it - look for quality and fresh fat elsewhere.

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