/ / Useful properties of baking soda for human health

Useful properties of baking soda for human health

History of the use of soda (bicarbonatesodium) begins from ancient times. It is known that its medicinal properties were used in the life of the inhabitants of Rome and Egypt. This substance was extracted in the dry lakes of the Wadi Natrun valley. Currently, the production of baking soda is adjusted from table salt. In the modern world there are more than three hundred different ways of using this substance.

useful properties of baking soda
The use of baking soda lies primarily in itsnaturalness. This product is effective, but at the same time non-toxic, allowing it to be used to remove dirt and eliminate odors, to whiten and give freshness.

Useful properties of baking soda are used incosmetic purposes. This product is often added to a gel or foam designed to cleanse the skin. This results in an effective face scrub. Its use will remove dead cells, gently cleanse the skin, and also give it a healthy shine and freshness. Adding soda to various cosmetics for facial cleansing helps to remove irritations.

Sodium bicarbonate is used for effectivemasks from acne. To make it, mix 1 tsp. soda with two tablespoons of flour. The mask is applied to the face, previously cleaned, once a week. Soda solution helps with bags formed under the eyes. To eliminate them, the tampon, soaked in a solution, keeps on the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Useful properties of baking soda are used forgiving the hair shine and softness. Sodium bicarbonate is mixed in a 1: 4 ratio with water and added to the shampoo. Soda is also recommended for teeth whitening. To do this, a pinch of the product should be added to the toothpaste. The resulting product gently whitens the enamel, without damaging it.

the use of baking soda
Useful properties of baking soda are used forremoval of unpleasant odors that have arisen in the refrigerator. A similar property of sodium hydrogencarbonate also manifests itself in relation to the human body. When rinsing the mouth with a soda solution, you can eliminate the discomfort of the discomfort. Procedures should be performed several times during the day. Soda solution will also help to remove the smell of the armpits and legs.

baking soda harm
Useful properties of baking soda are used fortreatment of a variety of diseases. People's medicine men recommend the use of a natural product to eliminate heartburn. Sodium hydrogen carbonate neutralizes hydrochloric acid, which facilitates the human condition. However, in the event that baking soda is often used for these purposes, the harm from its use will be the violation of the acid-base balance. This is due to the absorption of sodium in the blood accumulated in the body of sodium bicarbonate.

Often, soda is used in the treatment of coldsand infectious diseases as an excellent expectorant. It is dissolved in water and rinsing procedures are performed. Soda inhalations are treated with a cold, and the solution of this substance, which is buried in the nose, perfectly helps with the common cold. Sodium bicarbonate is effective in treating thrush, and gruel from baking soda perfectly eliminates itching from insect bites.

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