/ Tablets from pressure. Anaprilin

Tablets from the pressure. Anaprilin

As the night is replaced in the afternoon, and blood pressure (arterialpressure) of a person is unstable. You laughed heartily - the pressure went down a little, were frightened or upset - on the contrary, jumped. However, in most people at night BP is ten to twenty percent lower than in the daytime, during the day it changes its parameters many times, reacting even to the weather: rainy or clear, low or high air temperature. It is not in vain in hot weather, cardiologists reduce the dose of drugs to certain hypertensive patients.

One remains unchanged: the pressure should not exceed 140/90 at any time of the day.

The most common and effective drug against pressure in the present time is anaprilin, although there is a mass of not less effective drugs, but in this article we will talk about it.

Tablets from the pressure Anaprilin applied atdisturbances of the heart rhythm, that is, for all types of tachycardia, neurocircular dystonia, essential tremor, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, as well as myocardial infarction. And also for the prevention of severe migraine attacks. These tablets from the pressure are used in combination with combined therapy for abstinence syndrome.

Assign Anaprilin inside for half an hour before eating, while you need to remember to drink it with plenty of water. The dosage regimen for each patient is individual.

Когда заболевания относятся к сердечно-сосудистой system, the course of treatment with this drug is three to four weeks. With a break in one or two months, you can repeat the course if there is such a need. People suffering from frequent attacks of arrhythmia and angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, tablets from Anaprilin pressure are prescribed for a long time. Long-term use of this drug in patients with ischemic heart disease, it is necessary to appoint in combination with cardiac glycosides. With the sharp cancellation of Anaprilin, there is an aggravation of the anthropic syndrome and symptoms of cardiac muscle ischemia, acute bronchospasm, and a decrease in tolerance to physical exertion.

With extreme caution, tablets should be prescribedfrom pressure Anaprilin to drivers and people whose occupations provide for the performance of hazardous jobs, since it is likely the development of side effects from the nervous and cardiovascular systems. When an overdose of this drug can occur bronchospasm, convulsions, collapse, heart failure, severe hypotension, acrocyanosis. If such symptoms appear, you must urgently stop taking Anaprilin, rinse your stomach, drink activated charcoal and call an ambulance.

From the gastrointestinal tract with Anaprilin canthere are side effects, such as violations of the liver, ischemic colitis, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea. From the nervous and cardiovascular system: depression, anxiety, nightmares, insomnia or drowsiness, headaches, arterial hypotension. From the respiratory system: laryngo- and bronchospasm, shortness of breath, cough. Allergic reactions, such as hives and itchy skin, are rare.

Contraindicated tablets from high pressureAnaprilin people with hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug, as well as those who suffer from sinus bradycardia, complete or partial atrioventricular blockade, prinzmetal angina, diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis. Also, with caution, prescribe this drug for spastic colitis.

During lactation and pregnancy, as well as to children up to one year of age, such pills are absolutely contraindicated.

Take Anaprilin, given the appointment of your cardiologist or the attached instructions, or you can so lower the pressure that you will then have to drink tablets from a low blood pressure.

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