/ / Dislocation of the clavicle: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dislocation of the clavicle: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Dislocation of the clavicle is a very common injury.The main thing is to be able to distinguish the dislocation of the outer and inner end of the bone. Most often, such injuries occur as a result of a fall on the diverted arm or on the shoulder. There are cases of dislocation due to compression of the shoulder area in the longitudinal direction.

What are clavicles

The clavicle is a paired hollow bone that forms part of the shoulder girdle. This component first enters the process of ossification in the prenatal period. Performs many important functions:

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  1. Reference. Thanks to the muscles attached to her shoulder blades and upper limbs.
  2. It protects the cavity through which vital structures pass.
  3. Transports impulses from the limb to the spine.
  4. However, its main task is to ensure the process of free movement of hands. And this is all due to the successful structure of the bone.

Symptoms of sprains

Dislocation of the clavicle happens as a result of indirectmechanical damage. Such an injury can happen during a fall or a blow to the upper body. Cases when the clavicle turns out by itself are fixed.

dislocation of the clavicle

Doctors subdivide external and internal dislocationclavicle. The main symptoms during external dislocation are pain when trying to move a hand or shoulder and pain at the junction of the scapula and clavicle. Trauma can cause swelling and deformity. The outer end of the bone protrudes slightly back and up.

Internal dislocation is characterized by severe pain in the junction of the clavicle with the sternum. The injury will be accompanied by painful breathing, soft tissue swelling and deformity of the shoulder girdle.

Pay attention to the most important sign of dislocation.collarbone: if you press on the end of its protruding, then it can easily be fixed in the wrong place. But after the cessation of pressure, he will just as easily fall into its former place.

In people with large excess weight, the clavicle injury is less noticeable.

How to provide first aid

If you notice signs of a clavicle dislocation, thenTry to provide first aid to the injured patient. To do this, take a bandage or scarf and hang the limb. A bandage on the shoulder joint and a roller placed in the armpit area will help to gently bring the patient to the hospital ward.

shoulder bandage

To reduce swelling, apply a cold object to the damaged area. An ice pack or frozen water bottle is perfect for this purpose.

Врачи не рекомендуют принимать обезболивающие drugs before arriving at the hospital. This can lead to misdiagnosis. Of course, in the case of a low pain threshold, an exception can be made.

Experts strongly do not recommend trying to correct the dislocation yourself, as there are recorded cases of amateur activities that negatively influenced the treatment of doctors.


Заранее узнайте адрес травмпункта и уже потом go on the road. Of course, trauma can be diagnosed only due to external signs, such as pain, swelling and deformity of the bone. But the doctor also needs to do an x-ray and palpation to accurately determine the damaged area. In difficult situations, computed tomography may be indicated.

clavicle injury

Dislocation of the clavicle: treatment

This pathology can be cured asconservative and operational methods. To straighten the clavicle itself is a very simple and quick task. It is much more difficult to hold and lock it in the correct position.

Elastic bandages

The most common and easiest way to solveproblems - this bandage on the shoulder joint. Before applying it, the damaged area is treated with an analgesic drug - "Procaine" - and set the bone. The bandage is applied as follows:

1) Wrap the chest with a bandage twice.

2) Next, you need to transfer the bandage diagonally across the chest, passing over the armpit area from the intact arm to the injured arm.

3) Now the bandage must be lowered to the elbow, moving along the back of the shoulder.

4) Bend around your elbow and work a bandage on the forearm of the injured arm. Move to the armpit of a healthy limb.

5) Move the bandage diagonally in the back. Start with a healthy hand and go to the shoulder girdle area damaged.

6) Now go around the shoulder girdle and put a bandage under the elbow.

Do the last three steps several times to fix your hand as carefully as possible. Do not try to independently dislocate. Only an experienced doctor will be able to cope well with this task.

Inelastic bandages

Reducing shoulder dislocation is also not the mostdifficult task. A plaster cast that perfectly fixes the arm will come to the rescue. Can be used without surgery. The type and duration of wearing any type of dressing is determined by a specialist. In no case is it allowed to shoot it yourself. The average wearing period is one to two months. At the same time to be in the hospital is not necessary

Surgical treatment

Dislocation of the clavicle (the operation is done only in the extremecase) is most often treated with conservative methods. The modern development of medicine allows the use of various methods of invasive therapy. Screws, buttons, knitting needles and other devices can be used to fix the clavicle.

reposition of shoulder dislocation

Dislocation of the clavicle, accompanied by operatingtreatment can be cured with metal spokes. This is one of the most inexpensive types of surgical intervention. But this option is not the most effective, since the acromion process and the connecting ligaments do not grow together. In this case, repeated surgery is often required.

Reduction of shoulder dislocation and its subsequentfixing is carried out with screws. In this case, the risk of re-operation is reduced as much as possible. However, an overly secure anchorage can restrict the movement of the arm and the shoulder girdle.

The most gentle method of fixation, includingthe effect of the spokes and screws, is fastening with buttons. Thanks to this method, the patient’s postoperative condition is excellent. However, sewing in buttons can leave a mark.

dislocation of the clavicle treatment

To date, the most effective method of surgical treatment is considered plastic ligaments. The essence of the operation is to create synthetic ligaments, which replace damaged structures.

Before the operation itself, the doctorcarries out the closed reduction of the dislocation, and already during the surgical intervention, attach the clavicle mechanically. After this procedure, put a plaster or splint, which are not removed within a month. You should not expect that after the expiry of the full term, the injured limb will immediately recover completely. This will only happen in a half to two months.

After this period, it is imperative to re-diagnose, that is, to do a tomography and x-ray. Only after passing through such procedures is a rehabilitation package of measures prescribed.

Be sure to find out everything at the doctor’s appointment.details of your tram. After all, each case is individual. The timing of the dressing and the rehabilitation period may be delayed or, conversely, will pass faster. There may be complications. Therefore, find out in advance what can you expect.


Find out the trauma center address nearest you andgo for treatment. For early rehabilitation, there is a special set of procedures. This includes massage, exercise and manual therapy. Such measures are appointed only by a specialist, based on the type of dislocation.

dislocation of clavicle operation

Do not postpone treatment, becausein a few weeks after getting injured, the dislocation will be considered chronic and will be much more difficult to treat. Too late treatment entails surgery. Old dislocations are not treated conservatively. At the same time, prognoses for surgery cannot be positive, even when using the latest techniques and expensive drugs.

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