/ / Hyperventilation of the lungs, its symptoms

Hyperventilation of the lungs, its symptoms

Often stress leads to the fact that a personbegins to breathe very deeply or superficially. This is a temporary phenomenon, which can pass quickly enough independently or with the help of special techniques. However, the symptoms of lung disease are sometimes also manifested in this way. In this case, you can establish a diagnosis, only after having examined the patient in advance.

Hyperventilation of the lungs and its manifestations

The attack of hyperventilation occurs as a consequenceincreased ventilation of the lungs, which appears with increasing and increasing breathing. From the lungs, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released, which leads to a decrease in blood (hypocapnia). The acidity of the blood drops, and it becomes more alkaline. Oxygen ceases to enter the tissues, which causes oxygen starvation (or hypoxia).

Hyperventilation of the lungs is temporary and chronic.

Causes of temporary hyperventilation most oftenare stress, fear, panic attacks, various neuroses. Adrenaline (the "stress hormone"), which is released into the blood, causes rapid breathing. A similar condition occurs when there is a lack of oxygen (high in the mountains), and also due to the intake of certain drugs that stimulate the respiratory center in the brain (Cititon, all kinds of caffeine-type stimulants), infectious diseases, high temperature, bleeding, and so on. The duration of the attack is usually from half an hour to several hours (rarely).

Chronic hyperventilation of the lungs is a consequencea disease accompanied by an organic lesion of the brain (trauma, swelling). It can provoke a heart attack with ischemia, hypertension, lung disease. In toxicoses in pregnant women, as well as in patients with kidney failure, when various toxic substances accumulate in the blood, the attack of hyperventilation also occurs quite often.

Predisposing factors for developmentattack are various diseases of the brain and nervous system, as well as the age factor - most often hyperventilation of the lungs occur in childhood (up to 12 years), with hormonal maturation in adolescents and in elderly people.

Signs of hyperventilation

The syndrome of hyperventilation of the lungs is accompanied byfrequent superficial or, on the contrary, deep breathing, growing anxiety, fear, dry mouth, severe palpitations, visual impairment, paresthesias ("goose bumps", pain at the fingertips). With a prolonged and intense attack, there is a decrease in normal mental performance, disruption of orientation, dizziness, often - fainting. The shifts in the biochemical blood test that occur during hyperventilation attacks sometimes affect certain nervous structures, exciting them, which can lead to seizures.

With a significant decrease in blood concentrationcarbon dioxide is likely to lower blood pressure, narrowing the lumen of the blood vessels in the brain and redistribution of blood flow. These factors worsen the blood supply to the brain and heart.

Doctor's help

During the visit to the medical institution, the doctor will be able toconduct a thorough examination, evaluate how a person breathes. If it is found that the respiratory rate is not high enough, the doctor can show how to breathe properly.

When suspected of hyperventilation of the lungsthe following studies are carried out: electrocardiogram, chest radiograph, blood testing for carbon dioxide and oxygen, computed tomography of the chest, analysis of ventilation and blood supply to the lungs.

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