/ / Tubal ligation

Ligation of fallopian tubes

Women's sterilization is called voluntarysurgical contraception. This is a 100% effective method of preventing pregnancy, which means the ligation of the fallopian tubes and thus creating their artificial obstruction.

The representatives of the fair sex sterilization- a permanent method of contraception, which is performed by a doctor surgeon. The only purpose of such an operation is to make the fallopian tubes impassable. Here it is necessary to understand that in deciding on such an operation, a woman will never have the opportunity to become pregnant.

To make this procedure use these technologies:

- tie up the pipes;

- cross them;

- To excise;

- cork;

- Clamp using special clamps.

The effectiveness of such contraception is that the spermatozoa will not have a chance to meet the egg, and hence fertilize it.

It is worth noting that a similar methodPregnancy prevention is different from all others. And what is noteworthy, causes a very ambiguous attitude to him not only doctors, but also women themselves. The whole point is that the consequences of such contraception are irreversible, that is, for the whole life the opportunity to conceive and give birth to a child is eliminated. This function is not subject to recovery.

Interesting fact:the history of medicine knows cases when even after the ligation of the fallopian tubes, the woman becomes pregnant. But, unfortunately, there are so few such moments that it is simply not worthwhile to count on such an outcome of events. In addition, such micro-operations are very complex, so it is very unlikely that you will become an exception and will be able to conceive a baby.

But it is also worth noting that in medicine there aresituation, when the ligation of the fallopian tubes is just a necessary tool. Usually it is associated with those disorders and diseases, in which the birth of a child is incredibly dangerous for the health and life of a woman. And when the use of the most reliable contraceptives (intrauterine or hormonal) leads to a health risk or is simply contraindicated.

In this case, the bandage comes to the rescueuterine tubes - voluntary sterilization by surgical means. After it, a woman gets the opportunity to have a full sexual life, without fear of becoming pregnant and getting possible negative consequences for her own health.

The ligation of the fallopian tubes is done only for women,reaching the senior reproductive age, that is, 35 years old who already have at least one child and do not want any more kids in the future. It is necessary that the uterine tubes must be checked.

At consultation the doctor necessarily will analyzeThe patient's health and the stability of her family relations. Such strict measures are necessary because often women with a hope to restore the ability to conceive turn to women who created a new family or lost their child.

In addition to all this, sterilization has its ownlegal aspect. Therefore, before deciding on such an operation, a woman must sign some documents stating that she officially confirms her consent. Yes, perhaps this procedure is too bureaucratic, but thanks to it there is still time to think it over again. It is worth noting that in practice there was a change in the decision at the very last moment.

To date, contraceptivetheir competent application and combination) give practically one hundred percent effect. Therefore, it is possible to consider the possibility of ligation of the fallopian tubes only when there are absolute indications to this procedure.

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