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Conjunctivitis. Treatment and prevention

Conjunctivitis is one of the most common diseases of the inner part of the eyelid. It is characterized by affection of connective tissue in the organs of vision.

Causes of conjunctivitis

First of all, this disease is provokeda variety of microorganisms that live in everyday life. It is transmitted through towels, uncleanliness of hands, water in the pool, applicators and brushes when applying makeup on eyelids, foreign body, road dust and long stay in poorly ventilated rooms. Often the cause of conjunctivitis is a viral infection. As a complication, the disease is observed after the transfer of measles, scarlet fever, nasopharynx, teeth, stomach and even liver. Conjunctivitis occurs periodically as an allergic reaction to an external effect.

Conjunctivitis. Symptoms and Treatment

Treatment of conjunctivitis depends on its formmanifestations: acute or chronic. For the acute form of the disease is characterized by redness of the eyelids and the eyeball, the secretion of pus, sometimes swelling. If it is a chronic conjunctivitis, the symptoms are quite unpleasant, there is a feeling of clogged eyes, fatigue, burning, and a painful feeling of bright light.

Conjunctivitis. Treatment in acute form

Если появились симптомы такого заболевания как conjunctivitis, treatment is prescribed by a doctor. When removing symptoms of acute form, it is recommended to wash the eyes with medicinal herbs: chamomile, warm broth of sage, calendula, tea and dog rose. Among medicinal products for washing, boric acid, furacilin, and manganese are used. Every morning, the eyes are treated with one of the solutions. In order not to carry the infection, sterile cotton wool is used for each eye separately.

Also used for washing are antimicrobialsagents in the form of drops with the addition of sodium sulfacyl, tetracycline and tetramycin formulations. Before going to bed, apply a compress with ointment with sulfanilamide preparations or an ointment containing antibiotics. Treatment of acute form of conjunctivitis is a long process. To avoid accustoming the body to drugs, every two weeks, drugs should be changed.

Conjunctivitis. Treatment in chronic form

When treating symptoms of chronic form folkblueberry helps. It is recommended to include in the diet of 1 tbsp. fresh berries daily. In addition, blueberries have a beneficial effect on visual acuity. Successfully applied treatment tincture of aloe juice (dilute boiled water in a ratio of 1:10). For lotions on the eyes of well-proven althaea medicinal.

Treatment of chronic conjunctivitis by drugdrugs is reduced to the use of liquid mixtures and cold compresses of astringents (tea infusion or composition containing resorcinol), with exacerbations and the presence of pustular lesions of the eye - doctors prescribe drops with the addition of antibiotics. Before going to bed apply compresses from disinfectant ointments. With proper treatment, chronic conjunctivitis is quite possible to overcome in 4-5 weeks. The disease is considered to be eliminated only when the infection is completely eliminated and all painful consequences have disappeared.

Prevention of conjunctivitis

As prevention of acute and chronicconjunctivitis it is important to take measures to maintain individual cleanliness (thoroughly wash hands, use personal items). Limit contact with patients. In the case where this is not possible, it is recommended to instill in the eyes for a few days the composition with the addition of sodium sulfacyl. Until the release of purulent formations ceases, a towel and bedding should be replaced every day. It is better to temporarily abandon the use of common objects. It should be remembered that infection with this disease usually occurs through dirty hands and in contact with carriers of the disease.

If there is a suspicion of conjunctivitis, treatment should not be delayed.

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