/ / The drug "Supraks." Reviews, description, instruction

The drug "Supraks." Reviews, description, instruction

The medicine "Supraks" is a semisynthetic antibiotic of the third generation cephalosporin series. The agent acts bactericidal.

The mechanism of action of the "Supraks" drug (instruction, expert reviews confirm this) is based on inhibition of the synthesis of the cell membrane of the pathogen. The active component of the drug is cefixime.

"Supraks" is prescribed for pathologiesinfectious-inflammatory nature, provoked by microbes that are sensitive to the drug. Such diseases include sinusitis, bronchitis (chronic and acute), tonsillitis, otitis media (middle), pharyngitis. The drug "Supraks" (reviews of doctors and patients testify to this) is effective in uncomplicated gonorrhea, as well as in infections in the urinary tract (uncomplicated).

Contraindicated drug for hypersensitivity to penicillins and cephalosporins.

With caution, the preparation "Suprax" (reviewsspecialists confirm this) are prescribed for renal failure (chronic), in elderly and children's (up to six months) age, with pseudomembranous colitis (in history including).

The medicine is not contraindicated to pregnant women andnursing. However, when prescribing a medication, it is necessary to correlate the probable benefit to the mother and the perceived risk to the fetus. If necessary, during the lactation to take the medicine "Supraks" (the doctors' reviews are unanimous in this matter), you should stop feeding.

Capsules are prescribed to patients with a twelve-yearage. At a body weight of the patient more than 50 kilograms on the average recommend to take four hundred milligrams of the drug per day (once or twice a day for two hundred milligrams). Usually the therapeutic course lasts no more than ten days.

When uncomplicated gonorrhea is recommended to take four hundred milligrams once.

For children prescribe the drug "Supraks"(suspension) (reviews of many parents confirm that this dosage form for babies is more convenient and safer than capsules). Dosage at the same time - eight milligrams per kilogram of weight once or every twelve hours for four milligrams per kilogram of weight for patients under 12 years. Children from half a year to a year are prescribed per day from 2.5 to 4 milliliters, from two to four years - five milliliters, from five to eleven years - six or ten milliliters.

Before preparing the suspension,flipping the bottle, shaking the contents. Then, boiled water, cooled to room temperature, is added to the powder in an amount of 40 milliliters in two stages. After each addition, the mixture must be shaken until a uniform solution is obtained. Then the suspensions are allowed to infuse for five minutes to dissolve the whole powder. Before use, the mixture is shaken.

When using the drug "Supraks" (reviewspatients point to this), there may be some side effects. The most common include allergy in the form of anaphylactic shock, fever, itching or flushing of the skin, epidermal necrolysis (toxic), exudative erythema (multiforme), urticaria. In some cases, candidiasis of the intestine, liver dysfunction, abdominal pain, pseudomembranous colitis, glossitis, anorexia, stomatitis, dry mouth, dysbacteriosis may be noted.

Among undesirable manifestations, patients notealso flatulence, vomiting, headache, dizziness. In some cases, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, interstitial nephritis, and leukopenia may develop.

When appointing the drug "Supraks" the doctor can recommend an antihistamine to avoid the occurrence of allergies.

It must be remembered that the use of antibiotics should be monitored by a specialist. Therefore, before taking the medicine "Supraks" should visit a doctor.

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