/ / Rating of vacuum cleaners-robots: a description of the best models, manufacturers and reviews

Rating of vacuum cleaners-robots: a description of the best models, manufacturers and reviews

One of the main values ​​of a city dweller -this time. Everyday rhythms are constantly accelerating, and time as always is catastrophically short, and you want to spend it on matters of prime importance, but not at cleaning the apartment.

rating of vacuum cleaners robots

A good helper to solve this urgentproblems that can save you not only precious time, but also your finances, will become a robot vacuum cleaner. The rating (the best devices) of models will allow at least somehow to orient in all that variety, which is represented in the domestic market. The list of the best devices consists of popular and deserving trust brands, whose models have repeatedly been awarded this or that award at specialized exhibitions.

So, what are robotic vacuum cleaners.Feedback, rating of models, technical characteristics and opinions of experts of this field will be considered further. When compiling a list of the best devices, three main factors were taken into account, which are critical for many buyers.

Criterias of choice

The first is, of course, the quality of cleaning, thenthere are ordinary capabilities of the device: garbage collection and detour of obstacles. Few will be interested in the gadget for 10 thousand rubles, for which there will be an indefinable obstacle some children's toy on the shelf.

The second factor is the noiselessness.The rating of vacuum cleaners-robots consists of different models, but they all clean the apartment leisurely, 15 minutes here is not enough. And if the gadget during this time will drown out the TV or speakers from the computer, it obviously will not add points to it.

The third important factor is the price.The cost of such devices can reach cosmic sums. Technologically advanced gadgets can broadcast the entire cleaning process to a smartphone or tablet, while budget models are equipped with only infrared sensors.

The best robotic vacuum cleaner (rating of models):

  1. Panda X500 Pet Series.
  2. iRobot Roomba 880.
  3. Samsung SR8750.
  4. Karcher RC 3000.

Panda X500 Pet Series

The Japanese model from the Panda company is notonly manufacturability combined with functionality, but also beauty. This gadget tops the rating of robotic vacuum cleaners for the home not only due to its beauty and ergonomics, the device easily cleans more than thirty kinds of floor coverings, can overcome obstacles not more than 3 cm high, and also has an enviable power of suction of dirt and dust - 50 W.

robot vacuum cleaner rating best

Also, we will not forget that in a year thisthe robot vacuum cleaner collects almost 50 kg of pet hair, a powerful 2200 mAh rechargeable battery is capable of general cleaning without unnecessary recharging, and the noise level of the model varies within 50 decibels.

Device Features

The model can work in the "Quick cleaning" mode,which will save you a lot of time if you clean yourself regularly. A dust collector device can collect up to 500 grams of debris, is equipped with a fill sensor. One of the main advantages of the model is the programming of cleaning for a certain time.

The owners are very warm about the X500 series. Mistresses appreciated the high quality of cleaning, understandable functional, noiselessness, good autonomy and acceptable for such a gadget price.

Estimated price - 15 000 rubles.

iRobot Roomba 880

List of the best (rating) vacuum robotsreplenished with an expensive novelty from iRobot - model Roomba 880. In this gadget is implemented the advanced and excellent proven system of garbage collection AeroForce.

robots vacuum cleaners rating

The company completely abandoned the old brushes,replacing them with new rubber scrapers, which excellently get rid of bored dirt and raise carpet fibers, thereby allowing more thorough cleaning of fine dust particles.

Since the cleaning system has been significantly changed,then the suction of the gadget has become much more powerful, allowing you to collect a half times more dirt and dust, in contrast to previous models (Roomba 630 and 780). In addition, the volume of the garbage collection container was increased by 60%, and this is a significant plus, especially for apartments with a solid area.

The battery life is also at a high level:about three hours on a full charge (cleaning about six rooms). The flagship iRobot has three main operating modes and is cleaned seven days a week without problems.

Owners speak of the new model only inpositive key. In addition to high-quality cleaning and successfully balanced modes, the vacuum cleaner has an extremely attractive futuristic design, it is compact and light. Some complain about the cost of the gadget, but if you take into account the opinions of experts, you pay for the ideal balance of price, quality and impact, so this point in the flaws can not be recorded.

Approximate price - 40 000 rubles.

Samsung SR8750

This model was included in the rating of vacuum cleaners-robots foraccount of a highly intelligent system of mapping of premises. 12 sensors and power of the device allow you to collect various dust, dirt, and hair of domestic animals in a relatively large volume - 600 grams (dust collector).

robot vacuum cleaner rating models

It has seven functional modes of dry cleaning, with a low noise device in 70 decibels. The gadget perfectly copes with complex corners and furniture with a low landing.

Reviews about the model users leave in the mainin a positive way. Owners appreciated the power of the device, a large bag and good cartography. Some note a little inadequate algorithm of movement through the rooms. For example, a vacuum cleaner, faced with a wall, does not continue cleaning along the plinth, but drives off and continues cleaning in another place, that is, it will clean everything, but in parts, and this extra time. Call this moment critical can not, but such oddities a little scare.

Estimated price - 14 000 rubles.

Karcher RC 3000

This far-reaching model entered our ratingvacuum cleaners-robots at the expense of excellent indicators of high-quality cleaning and comfortable operation. The model from the venerable manufacturer of household gadgets weighs only a couple of kilograms and almost no noise (54 decibels) at a power of 600 watts.

 the rating of robots vacuum cleaners for home

The volume of the dust bag for the gadget itself may not be impressive, but the base station with which it is operated has an additional container of two liters.

Owners noted in their reviews the benefitsmodels to their true worth. They say "omnivorous" and "corrosive" of the vacuum cleaner: it is able to clean even the oldest carpets and tapestries. Some did not quite triple the quality of the processing of corners, but this is decided by the purchase of additional side brushes, and otherwise it is an excellent model from a well-known brand.

Estimated price - 35 000 rubles.

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