Means "Kombilipen" (nyxes), the price of whichis within two hundred rubles, is a multivitamin complex. The drug normalizes metabolic processes, stabilizes the carrying out of the neuro-impulse transmission. The composition of the drug contains vitamins B and lidocaine. The latter component effectively reduces soreness in the background of inflammatory processes.
The remedy "Kombilipen" (injections) is indicated in neuritis, polyneuropathy (on the basis of diabetes in particular). A medication is prescribed to eliminate the pain sensations caused by the pinched nerves.
The medication is not recommended for heart failure in severe course, individual intolerance to the components. Do not prescribe the drug to pregnant and lactating.
Уколы делают внутримышечно.In severe course of pathology, a dosage of 2 ml is recommended. The frequency of administration is 5-7 times a day. As the condition is eased, the number of injections is reduced. The average (maintenance) dose is 2-3 injections per week. The duration of therapy is set by the doctor in accordance with the patient's condition. The duration of the whole course should not be more than two weeks. After elimination of acute symptoms, a transition to the oral form of the drug is recommended.
The tool "Kombilipen" (injections) canprovoke heart rhythm disorder (increased palpitation), increased sweating, acne. The negative consequences of treatment should include allergic reactions, in some cases, severe course. As practice shows, these effects result from hypersensitivity. In this regard, patients who are predisposed to allergies, should be observed during the entire period of therapy.
Analog of the drug Kombilipen (injections in thiscase is a variant of it) is the medicine "Milgamma". According to the opinions of many patients, these two drugs are practically not different in the mechanism of their activity. However, the first drug is much cheaper. In this regard, the preference is most often given to the medicine Kombilipen. The injections are fast enough. Experts note the high effectiveness of the drug.
In addition, the undoubted advantages of the meansare a minimum of contraindications and satisfactory tolerability. Side effects in practice are relatively rare. To avoid the development of undesirable consequences, you must follow the doctor's instructions. It is not recommended to change the treatment regimen independently, to increase the frequency of injections or dosage.
The drug Kombilipen (injections) is not prescribed forprevention. If any negative reactions develop, you should visit the doctor immediately. In case of ineffectiveness of the medicine, the diagnosis must be revised. Keep the drug out of the reach of children. After the expiry date indicated on the package, it is prohibited to use the product. The solution is intended for intramuscular administration only. Before the injection, you must read the annotation.