/ / HIV test: the timing of readiness, where and when to take

HIV test: timing of readiness, where and when to take

Today we have to learn everything that is fraught with ourselvesanalysis for HIV. Terms of readiness, procedure of holding, as well as places for its delivery - all these components are of concern to many citizens. It is not superfluous to understand in what situations such an analysis should be handed over necessarily. After all, in Russia there are a number of procedures that require a citizen to confirm the state of health. In addition, for the maximum result, you will have to properly prepare for the process. Everyone should know about all this in advance. Otherwise, the analysis may not give the proper result.

Disease definition

First you need to understand what kind of disease is going onspeech. Perhaps, the surrender of the analysis is not at all necessary? If the disease is not too dangerous and not contagious, then everyone has the right to refuse this study.

analysis on the timing of readiness

In fact, HIV is a human beingextremely dangerous. The disease is characterized by an infection that affects the body's immune system, destroying it. As a rule, HIV is a favorable environment for the development of AIDS. That is why it is important to understand how dangerous the disease is. AIDS is the last stage of this disease. It is acquired and developed immunodeficiency.

When do I need a test?

Many are interested in when to take an HIV test.In fact, a citizen has the right to independently apply to one or another institution. That is, on their own. Nevertheless, there are a number of situations in which a certificate of absence of HIV infection is required.

Among them we can distinguish:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • recruitment;
  • the onset of pregnancy (including accidental);
  • preparation for hospitalization / surgery;
  • weight loss, with a sharp and rapid;
  • fever that has occurred without cause and can not be explained by the presence of other diseases;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • frequent casual sex;
  • presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • blood transfusion (after the process);
  • birth (test for HIV is done immediately).

Accordingly, quite often this analysisappointed. Nothing special or dangerous in it. Often, citizens themselves agree to conduct such research, worrying about their health. But what else do you need to know about the patients?

blood for HIV infection

Where to go?

For example, where to apply in order to receive the named service. At the moment there are a lot of options for the development of events. Everything depends on the patient's age and preferences.

The HIV test is done by:

  • in maternity hospitals;
  • hospitals;
  • polyclinics (adults and children);
  • private clinics;
  • private laboratories;
  • other medical institutions.

Where exactly to address? There are no exact recommendations.Every citizen himself decides how and where to pass the HIV test. The terms of readiness often depend not only on the research system, but also on the place of treatment. As practice shows, in state institutions the test results have to wait longer. In addition, private medical centers, clinics and laboratories sometimes offer a greater range of diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account that the analysis for HIV infection can be handled in several ways.

test for HIV

Signs for treatment

Before you learn about diagnostic methodsillness, it is recommended to understand, at what signs it is necessary to address in hospital in order to make the test. About situations in which HIV testing is mandatory, it has already been said. But quite often in everyday life there is a number of symptoms that make a person think about their own state of health.

What cases of this require? Blood must be taken for HIV infection if the following phenomena are observed in a citizen:

  • an increase in several lymph nodes, and quickly and immediately;
  • uninterrupted diarrhea, which has long troubled a person;
  • signs of acute respiratory viral infection or ARI;
  • constant night sweats;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • constant fever.

These are alarming moments when it is necessary to do an HIV test for your own safety. The availability and diagnostic methods will be presented later.

through how many are ready analyzes on vich

PCR diagnostics

The first and most common version of the testis a PCR diagnosis. It is used very often to identify any diseases. As practice shows, it is extremely informative research if it is a question of taking sputum for analysis (for example, with hepatitis or tuberculosis).

Nevertheless, PCR diagnostics are oftenthey take blood for HIV infection. It should be borne in mind that there are several types of this disease. PCR analysis reveals with high accuracy only the presence of infection. But he does not define its type. Therefore, not always people agree to this study.


What else is the HIV test?Terms of readiness will be announced further. First it is necessary to understand the methods of diagnosing the disease. In addition to the already mentioned test, immunoblotting is very popular. This is a kind of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

It helps by blood to identify antibodies to thoseor other infections. Or rather, to their proteins. Usually such diagnostics are used after PCR to confirm the result. It helps identify a specific type of HIV infection that has penetrated the human body and is in high demand among the population.

On immunology

The following analysis, which allows to determine the presence of HIV in humans, is a study that allows you to check the state of human immunity.

The fact is that HIV reduces the concentration of CD-4 cells. They are called beneficial bacteria, which allow the body to fight with one or another disease. How can you understand that a person is HIV-positive?

Results of the test "on immunology"just to understand. Normally, the human body has from 500 to 1,500 CD-4 cells. If this indicator is less than 500, then HIV occurs, but the infection has appeared relatively recently. Results that indicate the presence of fewer than 200 cells of CD-4 are a warning sign. So, the disease has been in the body for a long time.

analysis of hepatitis


Sometimes you can immediately take an HIV test.Preparedness of express diagnostics is about 5 minutes. It is a question of not exactly accurate, but still effective research. Used in Russia is extremely rare.

What is meant by this analysis?The most common express test. It looks like a special strip on which it is required to drip blood. After 5-10 minutes, look at the result. It can be either positive or negative. The action of this type of diagnosis can be compared with a pregnancy test.

Such a study on HIV is not in high demand. This is due to the fact that the probability of errors and inaccurate results is high. In addition, the type of infection such a test does not help determine.


Along with PCR-diagnostics quite oftenan ELISA is assigned. It, like immunoblotting, allows to determine the presence of antibodies to proteins of HIV infection. Usually, such an analysis does not allow you to make a final diagnosis. It does not differ in its accuracy.

Physicians point out that very often the ELISA givesfalse positive result. This phenomenon is caused by the molecular structure of antibodies. In most infections, it is similar to the structure of antibodies to HIV. Therefore, you can get a positive result of the blood test, but the real picture will say the opposite. In this case, the analysis is repeated or another method of diagnosis is prescribed.


The timing of blood tests for HIV is different. It is impossible to say exactly how many will have to wait for the results. After all, the answer will depend on many factors. Among them, the following are often singled out:

  • type of institution;
  • workload of the laboratory;
  • the chosen variant of diagnostics.

It has already been said that in public hospitalsThe results will have to wait longer than in private centers. That is why many prefer the second. Usually they allow you to get the most accurate result of the research as soon as possible.

HIV test

In the state clinic, on average, analyzesHIV / hepatitis the terms of readiness are established within 4-5 days. And, as practice shows, this interval is valid for any type of research. After all, rapid tests in government institutions of the Russian Federation are not envisaged.

But the deadline for making blood tests for HIV inprivate clinics are often 2-3 days. But in practice, this indicator decreases to a day. That is, the next day in some private clinics the result of the HIV test will be ready. If there is an express test, then, as already said, you can get a response in 5-10 minutes. Nevertheless, despite the speed of obtaining the result, it is not recommended to use this type of research.


Now it is clear, how many analyzes forHIV. An important point is preparing for the test. The fact is that if you do not follow certain rules, you can get an inaccurate result. And this is regardless of the chosen diagnostic technique.

What advice and advice do doctors give?First, a few days before the test is recommended to establish a diet. Eliminate allergens, as well as fatty foods. Secondly, it is best to take an HIV test on an empty stomach, in the morning. No drinking, no eating is not recommended. It is desirable that the period of the hunger strike is 8 hours. Then you can hope for the most accurate result.

the term for the analysis of HIV

Where do they take the blood for analysis?There are 2 options - from the finger and vein. Venous blood gives the most accurate result. It is taken from the vein, which is located at the ulnar fold. The procedure is almost completely painless. Blood from the finger, as modern doctors say, does not give the desired result.

Perhaps these are all the features thatto know the patient. At this point in Russia, an HIV test can be taken anonymously. Every citizen has this right. Also in medical institutions now before the diagnosis is necessary to sign a separate consent to take the analysis. Without this, a person will not take blood for HIV.

On average, the cost of diagnosis is from 300up to 2 500 or more rubles. Everything depends on the clinic, as well as on the method of blood testing. This information should be specified more individually. The timing of HIV testing may also depend on the cost of the procedure.

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