Rabies is a particularly dangerous diseasedomestic and wild animals and humans, proceeding with the defeat of the cells of the central nervous system of the diseased organism. Cats, just like other animals, are ill with this ailment. Domestic cats, accustomed to the street, have the opportunity to contact a variety of animals, including those with sick rabies. This should be borne in mind and constantly monitor the health of your pet.
In a mild form, the clinical manifestation of the diseasealso absolutely not typical for rabies. Typical signs of rabies in cats with this form are also practically absent. A cat is affectionate and playful. Suddenly, paralysis of the pharynx may occur, which leads to the impression that the cat choked with something. A person can become infected by trying to examine the pharynx of an animal or trying to get a foreign object out of it. After the paralysis of the pharynx, there are some signs characteristic of rabies, this is a profuse salivation, a hang of the lower jaw, hydrophobia and paralysis of the extremities.
The first signs of rabies in cats with violentform can be such: lethargy, loss of appetite, excessive fearfulness and irritability. In the future, they develop into a pronounced aggression. The animal at the same time grabs and gnaws inedible objects, sometimes breaking his teeth, seeks to attack any moving target. A particularly characteristic sign of rabies is considered hydrophobia.
Fever is a sign that is very characteristic ofrabies. It does not occur in any other disease. Even if there are no other signs of rabies in a cat, but there is a hydrophobia, the diagnosis can be unambiguous. If you splash on the animal with a small amount of water, the patient has a completely inadequate reaction - a fright bordering on hysteria.
No less characteristic sign of rabies is the desire for progress. A sick animal can run several dozen kilometers a day, biting and scratching everyone on its way.
It should be remembered that with any form of diseasein the saliva, the rabies virus appears 10 days earlier than any other signs of the disease. Thus, when a person bites a seemingly healthy animal, infection with rabies is not excluded. In the following days, the cat should not have any characteristic signs of rabies, in addition, the animal should not disappear, since the desire for running will be developed at a subconscious level under the influence of the disease.
When the cat returns from the street, the examination of her bodydid you find any marks of bites or scratches? This is an occasion to apply to the veterinary clinic for taking urgent measures that can protect the appearance of signs of the disease. Transfer of the pathogen from the sick animal to the healthy occurs in most cases through bites. It is possible to transmit the pathogen via saliva, in the event that the sick animal injures itself with claws, but from its mouth the saliva gets on the injured skin.
Laboratory diagnosis of rabies is difficult, andThis is due to the difficulties of virological research. As a rule, rabies research takes several weeks, and in some cases - months. Therefore, you can not wait for the results of laboratory studies. Waiting can take valuable time, which is very limited and should be spent on medical activities.