/ / Vaccination against Rabies Dog

Vaccination against rabies to the dog

If you decide to have a pet, you mustto realize that you take responsibility for him - his life and health, his misdemeanors and upbringing. Puppy should be given the necessary vaccinations, one of which is vaccination against rabies.

Funny shaggy puppy - this is not a toy for an houror month. This living being, which completely trusts you, depends on you. This is a full member of the family, who, like other members, needs your attention, caress, and care. With the appearance of the dog in the house, the whole mode of family life changes. Its owners buy books about caring for the animal and its proper upbringing, they search for hours on the Internet information that will help to solve the problems that arise.

Одной из таких проблем является вакцинация собаки.There are different opinions about the usefulness of such vaccinations. But if you want to save your wonderful pet from dog diseases, and especially from extremely dangerous rabies, you should ask the veterinarian beforehand, at what age and how to vaccinate the dog. It is from your exact knowledge and observance of the terms of the necessary vaccination that the life and health of the pet of the whole family often depends.

Usually the first vaccination of dogs before 3months. By this age, they are usually excommunicated from mother's milk, which means that the immunity of the puppy is reduced and there is a possibility of infection with viral diseases. To the young canine organism was able to adapt to independent life and artificial feeding, the puppy needs to do all the necessary vaccinations. Usually, shortly before the vaccination, for ten days, the dog should perform de-worming of the body. The first time after vaccinations, he is credited with a sparing regimen, refraining from long walks in the air. After a while, the first vaccination is fixed by the second. As usual, vaccination against rabies is done during the second vaccination. If the puppy did not do it during this period - up to 12 weeks, then the next suitable time for vaccination against rabies is one year old. Subsequently, the rabies vaccine is given to the dog after twelve months after the previous vaccination.

Any vaccinations to the animal are done only whenit's absolutely great. If the dog feels unwell, the meeting with the veterinarian is postponed, and the timing of vaccination is postponed. Often, doctors recommend that the first vaccine be given to the puppy at home, since he has only passive immunity acquired with the mother's milk, which means that it is easy for him to pick up any viral infection outside the home.

Why do I need a rabies vaccine for a dog ifit is under the constant control of the owners - you can ask such a question. When we vaccinate the dog from rabies, we prepare the animal's organism for an imminent meeting with pathogens. Vaccination against rabies to a dog is the simplest way to protect a pet from diseases, to increase its immunity.

In addition to vaccination against rabies, the dog doesinoculations from plague, hepatitis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, adenovirus infection, parvo- and enteroviral enteritis. To prevent these diseases, there are many varieties of domestic and imported vaccines, but only the veterinarian has the right to decide after examining your pet which vaccine should be used. Sometimes in puppies there is an allergic reaction to domestic drugs, but, basically, they are no worse than imported ones and are also effective in the prevention of all kinds of diseases.

Do not risk the health and life of your pet, do not endanger yourself and your loved ones - vaccinate dogs on time!

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