/ / Efferralgan (suppositories) is an effective analgesic and antipyretic

The drug Efferalgan (suppositories) is an effective painkiller and antipyretic agent.

"Efferalgan" (candles) area drug that has a painkiller, as well as antipyretic effect. The active ingredient in the specified drug is paracetamol, which refers to non-steroidal means. The drug Efferalgan 150 has its effect due to the fact that non-selective inhibition of the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase occurs, therefore, the synthesis of prostaglandins from arachidonic acid is reduced. As the number of prostaglandins decreases, pain impulses decrease in the central nervous system. And the antipyretic effect that Efferalgan has on the spleen is due to the fact that paracetamol affects the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus.

This drug comes in both pills and tablets.syrups, and in the form of candles. It is quickly absorbed by the body and has its effect within 20 minutes after entering the body. The maximum concentration of paracetamol in the blood is reached within 30-55 minutes after the Efferalgan-candle was administered. This drug is metabolized in the liver, with the formation of pharmacologically inactive metabolites. From the body, metabolites are excreted by the kidneys. The average half-life of the drug "Efferalgan" (150 mg suppositories) from the body occurs after 2 hours, and already a day later up to 90% of the total paracetamol is excreted.

Recommendations for use of the drug "Efferalgan"

Candles are intended for the treatment of children aged 3-5 months, weighing from 6 kilograms in such cases:

  • if the child has a high fever that is caused by acute respiratory infections, influenza, or any other infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • as a painkiller, if there is pain syndrome of moderate or low intensity, it can occur with pain in case of injury, muscle pain, burns, headache, as well as toothache, neuralgia.

The drug "Efferalgan" (candles) - the method of use and the recommended dose

Candles are introduced rectally.To do this, you need to get a candle out of the package and gently insert the child into the anus, before that you should carry out a cleansing enema, or wait for spontaneous emptying of the intestine.

Single dose of the indicated drug depends on weight.child and should be 10-15 mg / kg, are introduced "Efferalgan" -sleep from 3 to 4 times per day. During the day, you can not take more than 60 mg / kg of the drug.

For children aged 3-5 monthsuse 1 candle (80 mg), from 6 months to 3 years - 1 candle 150 mg each, from 5 to 10 years - 1 candle 300 mg each. The interval between injections should be from 4 to 6 hours.

Treatment usually lasts up to 3 days ifThe drug is used to reduce the temperature, and up to 5 days if it is used as an analgesic. If there is a need to use this drug for a longer period, then it is necessary to closely monitor the state of the liver and monitor the state of peripheral blood.

Also, this tool can be used in the formsyrup or soluble tablets. The duration of treatment prescribed by the doctor, however, it is necessary to ensure that the daily dose of paracetamol does not exceed the age norm (regardless of the form in which it is taken).

Possible side effects of the drug "Efferalgan"

There are usually no problems after taking this drug.arises. In isolated cases, nausea and vomiting are possible, as well as arterial hypotension, skin allergic reactions, dizziness and increased fatigue.

Contraindications for use

You can not take this tool to people who havesevere liver and kidney disease, as well as those who can not tolerate fructose and chronic alcoholics. If a child is less than 2 years old or weighs less than 13 kilograms, then effervescent tablets are also not recommended. The drug Efferalgan (suppositories) is not used in individuals who have recently suffered inflammation (or bleeding) of the rectum. In this case, it is better to choose another form of this medicine.

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