/ / The preparation "Flucinar" (ointment): instructions for use

The preparation "Flucinar" (ointment): instructions for use

"Flucinar" ointment is included in the group of medicinal glucocorticosteroid products, which are intended for external use.

flucinar ointment manual

The drug "Flucinar" (ointment): instruction and therapeutic effect

The main active component of the drugacts fluocinol acetonide, which is a glucocorticosteroid of synthetic origin. The product is perfectly adsorbed through the skin. It is sufficient to apply a small dose of ointment on the skin to reduce the production of ACTH, to lead to the suppression of the pituitary adrenal system. The drug "Flucinar" (ointment), the instruction states, has an anti-inflammatory effect. This is made possible by the oppression of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. In addition, the drug has a vasoconstrictive effect, it helps to reduce the severity of exudative symptoms. The drug has anti-allergic properties, which consist in reducing the severity of reactions with hypersensitivity. The drug is best absorbed when applied to damaged areas of the skin, anatomical folds, or on the face.

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Drug "Flucinar" (ointment): instructions and indications

The agent is used for the therapy of a variety ofacute dermatitis, which are non-infectious in nature. In the treatment of severe forms that are accompanied by pruritus and hyperkeratosis, the preparation Flucinar (ointment) is also effective. The instruction indicates that the agent is prescribed for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and atopic, pink lichen and flat, psoriasis. With the help of medication, they act on contact eczema.

Means "Flucinar" (ointment): instruction, price

Doctors recommend using the following schemetherapy. The medication is required to be applied to the diseased parts of the skin with a thin layer. With eczema you can use the ointment under the bandage. However, in this situation, you will have to do daily dressings. Duration of therapy should not exceed 2 weeks, with the expended volume can not be more than two tubes of the preparation "Flucinar" (ointment). The price of the medicine is 176 rubles.

Side effects

flucinar ointment instruction price

The use of ointment can cause allergicmanifestations, hives, burning, contact dermatitis, itching. In some situations, excessive growth or hair loss, furunculosis, discoloration, thinning or dryness of the skin, the appearance of blackheads are possible. When applied under the bandage, the pressure may increase, the appearance of edema, the weakening of immunity.


Do not use the medicine in anyinfections, individual intolerance, in the post-vaccination period. Do not prescribe medicine to children under two years of age, in the early stages of pregnancy. It is not recommended to use the ointment for more than two weeks, as the risk of side effects increases dramatically. Children ointment applied once a day to a small area only if there are clear indications. Do not allow the medication to get on the face and folds of the skin.

The drug "Flucinar": analogues

Analogues of the medication are preparations "Sinaflan", "Flukort", "Sinoderm".

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