Why is the colitis right side?This question is asked daily by a lot of people. The whole problem is that a person does not even need to go to a doctor with such complaints, and if necessary, to what kind of complaints. Let's try to figure it out.
Very often people even imaginecan, how many diseases can occur with symptoms of pain in the side. Most of the complaints come down to a simple "colitis in the right side," but the patients can not answer anything more.
First, you need to understand the nature andintensity of pain. Everyone knows that the pain syndrome can be mild, intense and very intense. So, in the second and third cases, one must always consult a doctor, preferably a therapist.
The nature of pain can also be varied:cutting, burning, pulling, aching, stitching pains. This characteristic of the pain syndrome can only indicate whether an acute or chronic process, as well as determine the severity of the disease.
Patients with liver pathology can telltherapist that they have colitis in their right side. This symptom can be called specific, because the liver is located directly on the right under the costal arch. Any changes in the structure of the liver can cause pain. For example, cholelithiasis, which is characterized by a violation of the composition of bile and the formation of stones. In this case, stones can penetrate into the outflowing ducts of the liver and cause hepatic colic - these are very intense pains of a cutting or piercing nature. As a rule, they do not pass after taking antispasmodics and require qualified medical care. If this is an exacerbation, and not the first time the disease has arisen, then the patients know what to do. In other cases it is necessary to consult a surgeon.
Hepatitis is an infectious disease of the liver, as wellcan cause pain in the right upper quadrant. However, these pains are not pronounced, noisy. Most often, patients with hepatitis turn to the infectious disease doctor with other complaints.
If you have colitis right side, then it can alsotestify about the pathology of the kidneys. The most common disease that occurs with pain in the right side is renal colic. The formation of kidney stones and passage through the ducts can cause very intense pain, as well as a delay in urination and a general inflammatory syndrome.
There is the concept of atypical locationappendicular process. It can be located directly behind the liver, and if its inflammation occurs, it will lead to the formation of specific symptoms of appendicitis. Such patients complain that they have colitis in their right side. Often, you can not immediately determine the presence of appendicitis, but after some tests of functional diagnostics, setting the right diagnosis is not difficult. It should be noted that such patients should be in the surgical department, under the supervision of a doctor.
It should not be forgotten that in the projection of the rightpart of the abdomen, or rather the upper part of it, is part of the pancreas and stomach. Some pathology of these organs can also occur with clinical signs of pain. These pains can be called reflected, because these organs are not directly from the right side.
Oncological patients are also quite oftencomplain that they have colitis in their right side. This may be a consequence of the localization of the tumor on the right side, its proliferation into nearby organs and tissues, as well as the metastasis of cancer cells into the lymph nodes and other organs.
Inflammatory processes of muscle tissue, as well asNeuralgia and other neurological disorders can occur with pain in the right side of the body. However, they are not intensive, are stopped by local or intramuscular injection of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.