/ / Treatment of colitis of intestines in many ways

Treatment of colitis in various ways

Many people make mistakes when they think that the word "colitis"is formed from a "pierce" understood by everyone. In fact, these words have nothing in common. The origin of the medical term goes back to the Greek etymology and means the organ of the gastrointestinal tract, called the colon, when it is affected by the inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane.

Treatment of colitis of the intestine depends on its type.Unfortunately, this disease is very diverse. Sharp forms usually pass very quickly. But chronic ones do not respond well to treatment, they are prolonged for a long time and lethargically. The disease is dangerous because the inflammation covers both the area of ​​the small intestines, and also affects the walls of the stomach. And according to the degree of spread in medicine, colitis is distinguished from ulcerative, ischemic, medicinal, infectious and other forms.

If we characterize each type of disease separately,then we can say, for example, that ulcerative colitis is dangerous by the formation of ulcers on the walls of the intestine, and the ischemic form interferes with the blood supply of organs responsible for processing food, etc. Therefore, the question of how to treat colon colitis should first of all be addressed to a specialist doctor who prescribes a qualified examination and only after it, having determined the diagnosis, prescribes treatment of intestinal colitis for the quickest elimination of the problem.

Ischemic colitis is easily treatable ifhe shows up early. Therapy of this disease consists in taking light laxatives together with vasorelaxis. As prophylaxis proctologists appoint such patients prodektin, trektal and uranthal, as well as stugeron and gamma-lon. A concomitant form of treatment is vitamin therapy, which includes iron-containing drugs, undevit and gendevit. Gangrenous ischemic colitis is treated only by surgery.

Ulcerative colitis is treated with sulfanilamidedrugs and antidiarrheal agents. Prescribe as well soothing and enzyme medicines, which in severe cases are replaced with hormonal medications. Often with ulcerative form, the extracorporeal hemocorrection technique is used. Complex forms, unfortunately, require surgical intervention.

Infectious colitis is caused by variousparasites that enter the human body. Therefore, its treatment is based on the fight against them. That is, if the disease is caused by dysentery wands, then the main treatment will be directed against them. Kolit, caused by salmonella, requires a different medication. The most effective method of treatment of infectious colitis is considered to be Zepping, which is performed with the help of special devices that emit positive impulses that damage harmful parasites in the body.

As already mentioned above, colitis can often beand the result is too burdensome for the body taking medication while treating other diseases. Therefore, often doctors who determine the treatment of colitis of the intestine have to completely cancel the drug therapy. But you should not be so upset at once, because there are effective people's means of fighting this disease. In the pharmacy, you can find special comprehensive collections of herbs that, with a certain infusion and regimen, bring quick relief to the body.

Great importance in the fight against this disease hasnutrition in colitis of the intestine. The diet begins with a tea unloading. The amount of fluid in the body depends on the age and should reach 1.5 liters per day. Doctors usually appoint nutrition in colitis of intestines according to diet number 4, which is considered to be sparing in dieticians.

If you have a problem with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, remember that the treatment of colitis of the intestine should not be one-sided, but complex.

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