/ / Buserelin Depot - description and features of the application

Buserelin Depot - description and features of the application

The choice of a hormonal drug should be based on careful study of the symptoms of the disease and careful detection of the risk of side effects.

The drug "Buserelin Depot" compares favorably withothers with its high efficiency and low probability of occurrence of undesirable manifestations. He is a member of the group of hormonal antitumor agents.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Buserelin’s action consists ofantigonadotropic, antiandrogenic, antiestrogenic, antitumor effects. Substances of the drug "Buserelin Depot" method of competition are associated with receptors of cells that secrete gonadotropin-releasing factor (they are in the structure of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland).

At the first stage of drug administration is observedshort-term increase in the concentration of LH and FSH (gonadotropic hormones) secreted by the pituitary gland, which leads to an increase in the content of sex hormones. After 14–21 days, the agent blocks gonadotropic function through negative feedback, which leads to a significant decrease in LH and FSH, and, as a result, a decrease in the production of sex hormones. So, in men the concentration of testosterone decreases, it reaches the level that is established after orchiectomy (drug castration). In women, the effect of the drug "Buserelin Depot" consists in lowering the production of estradiode to the level that exists in the post-menopausal period.

Use of the drug "Buserelin Depot"

Used in the treatment of prostate cancer, in somecases used to suppress the synthesis of testosterone in the testes. Also used in the treatment of breast cancer (a hormone-dependent disease that is characterized by high estrogen production or appears in endometriosis). Other diseases treated with Buserelin Depot: uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, IVF program in the treatment of infertility.

Contraindications and special recommendations

Hypersensitivity, orchiectomy,pregnancy, lactation. With caution take the drug in the pathology of the urinary tract, metastases at the level of the vertebra, hypertension, diabetes and depression. Buserelin Depot and pregnancy - incompatible concepts.

Side effects

The patient may complain of discomfort withCNS in the form of headache, nervousness, insomnia, amnesia, decreased concentration, dizziness, emotional instability, and sometimes depression. There may be tinnitus or pressure on the eyeball, impaired vision or hearing. Often there may be "tides." In the first weeks of treatment in women, pseudo-structure is observed, then dryness is established in the vagina, bone demineralization is possible, and libido decreases. In men, the disease can worsen in the first 2 - 3 weeks, or gynecomastia appears, reducing potency. The same can be observed: anorexia, dyspeptic disorders. Buserelin Depot and alcohol are incompatible. Patients with hypertension may increase blood pressure, heart rate. From allergic reactions found: itching, urticaria, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock. Laboratory parameters change: dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, increased transaminase and bilirubin, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia.

Principles of use of the drug

Intramuscular administration: administered immediately after the preparation of the suspension.

- With a prostate tumor every 4 weeks, 4.2 mg.

- with endometriosis - is administered within 4 months.

- with uterine myoma –3 months.

- with infertility - 4.2 mg.

Intranasal administration:

- for the treatment of female diseases described above - 900 mcg / day injection into the nasal cavity (one dose 3 times a day), starting from 1 - 2 days of the menstrual cycle

- with infertility 600 mcg / day, 1 dose in the nasal cavity 4 times a day. If the blockade of the reproductive system is strongly expressed, the dose is reduced by 2 times.

Some indications are:

- treatment of prostate cancer is carried out throughout life;

- enter antiandrogenic drugs for 2 weeks. and for 2 weeks. treatment with buserelin prevents the complications that may appear in the first weeks of treatment;

- in the first period of treatment, ovarian cyst may appear in women;

- it is necessary to prevent pregnancy and taking contraceptive medications before treatment with buserelin, but for the first 2 months non-hormonal protection methods should be used;

- the drug has a beneficial effect on the treatment of endometriosis surgically, reducing the frequency of relapses.

Interaction with other drugs

Buserelin lowers the effect of hypoglycemic drugs. May lead to ovarian hyperstimulation, if used in conjunction with drugs containing sex hormones.

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