/ / Treatment of balanoposthitis depending on the type of disease

Treatment of balanoposthitis depending on the type of disease

The choice of methods used to eliminate balanoposthitis, depends on the type of disease, its symptoms, the nature of the course. Significance also has the presence of concomitant diseases.

First, you need to understand what isbalanoposthitis. This concept characterizes the inflammatory process of a mixed nature. It involves the foreskin (inner leaf) and the glans penis.

In the treatment of pathology, attention is paid to the presence ofthe patient of a diabetes. Against the background of this disease the symptoms of balanoposthitis manifest themselves in the form of contact bleeding of the scalp skin, the formation of cracks and impressions provoking the development of adhesive and scarring processes. In this case, the nature of the manifestations will depend not only on the age of the patient, but also on the duration of the disease itself. Partial stabilization of inflammation is observed with adequate antidiabetic therapy. However, it is more expedient to treat balanoposthitis with the method of circumcision (circumcision).

A simple course of pathology presupposes lungsconservative measures. Treatment of balanoposthitis of mild degree is carried out by accurate exposure of the head of the penis, careful removal of pus and smegma from the prepuce bag in the foreskin. In this case, washing with water with soap or a light antiseptic solution (rivanol, 0.5% potassium permanganate or silver nitrate) is used. The procedure is repeated three to four times a day. To avoid paraphimosis, gently fix the penis head.

Лечение баланопостита в более тяжелом течении assumes the appointment of antibacterial drugs inside ("Biseptol", "Olititrin", "Erythromycin", "Nevigramon" and others). The effect of medications is directed to the elimination of inflammation, suppression of the activity of pathogenic (pathogenic) microorganisms. Antibacterial drugs favorably affect the performance of the genitourinary system.

The most common mycotic(fungal) infections of the penis include candidiasis balanoposthitis. In this case, the development of pathology occurs in conjunction with the spread of candidiasis (thrush). Treatment of balanoposthitis of this type is carried out using local antimycotic (antifungal) agents ("Lavorn", "Flukonazola"). Great importance is attached to hygiene. It should be noted that an increase in the incidence of candidiasis significantly complicates the treatment of the disease "balanoposthitis". Treatment (ointment, tablets), used traditionally, becomes ineffective.

Inflammation, which has gonococcal nature,accompanied by abundant discharge from the urethra. In this case, therapeutic measures to eliminate gonorrhea help alleviate the symptoms of balanoposthitis.

Xerotic obliterating inflammation of the head andthe foreskin has been subjected to therapy, including the use of corticosteroids or testosterone propionate, over the past few decades. In the case of detection of meatostenosis (abnormal narrowing in the external hole of the urethra of a congenital nature), dilatation (expansion) of the external opening or surgical correction by the method of meatoplasty or meatotomy may be prescribed. The use of local corticosteroids, especially in children, can improve the course of pathology in the early and intermediate stages. At the late stages of xerotic obliterating inflammation, no positive effect was noted. Along with this, prolonged local use of corticosteroids can contribute to the progression of epidermal atrophy.

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