/ / Inflammation of the prepuce in children: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the prepuce in children: symptoms and treatment

Boys' moms often face suchailment, like balanoposthitis. Pathology causes inflammation of the prepuce. Children have this problem much more often than adults. Coping with unpleasant symptoms and relieve the child of discomfort can be at home. Let us consider in more detail the causes, symptoms and the safest methods of treating a pathological condition.

Causes of inflammation

The condition of the genital organs in boys causesa lot of questions for new parents. The anatomical features of infants and older boys differ. Therefore, you should know what is the norm, and what speaks about the development of the disease. Practically every boy has an inflammation of the prepuce.

inflammation of the foreskin in children

In children, pathology provokes most oftenPhysiological phimosis - fusion of the head of the penis and foreskin. This is only a temporary condition that goes on independently by about 2 years. The head begins to open gradually. Between it and the flesh are formed cavities in which the epithelium accumulates and where the urine enters.

If hygiene procedures are not carried out, and"Pockets" are not cleaned, there is inflammation of the foreskin of the penis. This is the most common reason. To provoking factors also include endocrine disorders, hypothermia, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, mechanical damage (permanent rubbing against tissue or diaper). The etiology should be established by a specialist.

Inflammation of the prepuce in children: symptoms

The picture of the pathological condition is visiblewith the naked eye. The first thing you should pay attention to is the swelling of the genitals. The foreskin becomes inflamed and turns red. At the kid the illness causes extremely unpleasant sensations: an itch, a burning sensation, a pain. If the treatment is not started in time, urination is disrupted (the process becomes very painful).

inflammation of the head and foreskin in the child

Enuresis is a serious consequence that canprovoke inflammation of the flesh of the child. Treatment will depend on the symptoms of the disease. In the early days of pathology, lymph nodes in the groin area may increase. Often the body temperature rises. Having found out at the kid such signs, it is necessary to address for the help to the surgeon or the pediatrist.

Balanoposthitis in a child: treatment

First of all, parents should not panic.The ailment is found in many babies. Children who are in dirty diapers for a long time suffer more. Treatment of the inflammatory process will depend on the type of balanoposthitis. In boys under 3 years, the adhesive type of pathology is more often diagnosed. In this case, medicamental therapy of systemic action is extremely rare.

inflammation of the foreskin in a child

Usually it is possible to cope with the problem with the help ofantiseptics, for example, manganese. The solution of furacilin has a similar effect. Potassium permanganate is used to prepare a weak solution, in which it is necessary to bathe the baby. In addition, it can be used to treat the foreskin during the day.

If there is a purulent inflammation of the prepuceat the child, treatment should be started immediately. The form of the disease is quite severe. The cause of inflammation are fungi, staphylococci and streptococcal bacteria. Cope with them without the use of antibiotics and antimycotics is impossible. Scheme of treatment and necessary drugs are selected by a doctor. In such a course of the disease, ointments and creams can be used to treat the inflamed area.


Inflammation of the prepuce in children is quite easy to prevent. To do this, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Regularly wash the child with soap.
  2. Do not neglect baby cream and use it after hygiene procedures
  3. Use linen or diapers of the appropriate size.
  4. Make baby air bath after bathing.

inflammation of the foreskin of the penis

Some parents try to speed up the processopening the head and trying to push the foreskin away. It is forbidden to do this! Such manipulations not only can be painful for the baby, but also cause inflammation of the head and foreskin.

The child has the process of opening the head of the genitalorgan occurs naturally at a specific time. If the development of balanoposthitis could not be avoided, you should consult a doctor and follow all the recommendations for therapy.

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