/ / Evening primrose oil capsules

Evening primrose oil in capsules

Evening primrose oil in capsules - naturala product rich in polyunsaturated fats, which are no less important for the body than minerals and vitamins. It also contains gamma-linolenic (nine percent) and y-linolenic acid (more than seventy percent), the only alternative source of which is breast milk. This substance is able to prevent such ailments as cirrhosis of the liver, increased blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, lowering cholesterol in the blood. It improves the quality of blood vessels, which inevitably decreases with age.

Evening primrose oil in capsules facilitatessymptoms that occur during menopause. It is also proved that y-linolenic acid effectively fights with the inflammation focus and reduces pain. In addition, this product of natural origin has cardioprotective and antisclerotic properties, it is simply necessary to maintain hormones at the proper level and to form cell membranes.

Evening primrose oil in capsules is indicated for use in the following cases:

- In such diseases of the cardiovascular system as a heart attack, stroke, angina pectoris, hypertension, bowel disease, atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis;

- for violations of hormonal background of the representatives of both sexes - infertility, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, absence of erection in men and frigidity in women;

- with diseases of the skin - hair loss, seborrhea (dandruff), brittle nail plate, psoriasis, eczema;

- with pain of different origin;

- with premenstrual syndrome - depression for no apparent reason, extreme irritability, drawing pain in the lower back and lower abdomen;

- autoimmune diseases, including asthma and lupus erythematosus;

- with many other ailments, such as vision impairment (caused by retinopathy), endometriosis, peripheral and central nervous system diseases.

This tool is also widely used forrecovery of the body after poisoning and serious infectious diseases. It is also appreciated in cosmetology because of the ability to improve the elasticity of the skin (especially due to a sharp decrease in body weight) and restore them after plastic surgery. It is indispensable for diabetes and heart failure.

Evening primrose oil in capsules has unique healing properties. Below are some of them.

· Normalization of the central nervous system (CNS) due to increased activity of phospholipids.

· Regulation of metabolism in the ocular retina.

· Synthesis of hormone regulators (prostaglandins), as well as steroid hormones, including sex hormones.

Reducing the cholesterol in the blood.

· Improve the protective properties of the body by increasing the level of leukotrienes.

Evening primrose in capsules (another name -olive oil) is used as a biologically active additive from two to six times a day during meals. The recommended duration of admission is one month. Evening primrose oil, the reviews confirm this, is an excellent preventive agent, whose courses can be repeated up to three times in one year.

The only restriction to admission is individual intolerance of the product. Side effects after the application of this tool is not revealed, no less than cases of overdose.

Evening primrose oil in capsules is released inpacks of one hundred pieces, each weighing five hundred milligrams. The best storage conditions are a dry cool place, protected from moisture and direct sunlight. If the packaging is damaged, this product should not be used.

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