/ Primrose and its varieties

Primula and its varieties

Primula is a small beautiful plant with lush blooms of small numerous flowers. Grow it both at home and in parks.

This primrose is necessary for special conditionsmaintenance with the maintenance of the necessary climate. Many people believe that this plant belongs to the unpretentious type, that it can only be planted on a peat and wet surface. This opinion is a great error. Perennial primrose perfectly tolerate cold winters, however, they are very vulnerable to high temperature changes. In particular, because of this, the plant ceases to bloom and dies the next year. For example, the primrose ordinary does not like the temperature of more than 20 degrees Celsius, and the most favorable period for its flowering is about 10 degrees Celsius. It should be noted separately that primula, which varieties have a large number of hybrids, still does not take root under adverse conditions.

Kinds of primroses

The most famous and widespread species is theprimula common (sometimes it is also called asless). This plant adapts quite well to the cold and does not like rising temperatures. It is grown both indoors and outdoors. He also does not like abundant watering, direct sunlight and overheating. Excellent in a well-lit room. When maintaining the air temperature of about 10 - 12 degrees, you can effortlessly extend its flowering period. Primrose has small leaves, as well as individual flowers of medium size (about four centimeters, but sometimes more). Flowers usually appear in the cool season.

Soil for primroses, sowing and watering are veryan important role in growing: the basis of the soil is a mixture of deciduous and chernozem base, as well as a fifth of the sand. Watering is infrequent, and in winter time decreases by 1.5 - 2 times. It should also be remembered that primrose ordinary does not like sprinkling of leaves and most pests.

To a less common form, primrosePink, usually growing in nature on the edge of Himalayan glaciers. Cold air and moist soil are good for her. If you decide to grow it on your own plot, you should take care of the location of the plot beforehand. To do this, it is best to select a separate shady area with high humidity.

There is also a primula in the nature of the ear,It is common in alpine meadows, where the main type of soil is dry and non-acidic soil, and in some cases even very fertile. This primula has fairly thick fleshy leaves, the surface of which does not need moisture. Its ideal location is most often on drained and calcareous areas of the territory.

Primula finely toothed is prettyAn unpretentious plant, but still after a warm summer a little bit. To avoid such a turn of events, a small amount of ash and compost is poured under its base. Very different varieties of primroses - florinda and Sikim. The main difference between them is the need for large amounts of water, so they grow mostly near water bodies, and florinds in general are sometimes called wetlands because of their addiction to the swampy terrain. Therefore, if you have a plot with a reservoir in the garden - you can safely place these kinds of primulas there. They are happy to take root in it. There are also East Asian primroses called "Japanese" with a large number of hybrids. Such species do not tolerate the winter with a lack of snow, so to prevent the extinction they are covered with a layer of dry leaves about 15 centimeters in autumn.

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