/ / Spruce (Picea abies) - our tree

Spruce (Picea abies) - our tree

Spruce (Picea abies) - Sprucedistribution, which includes almost the whole of Europe. Gradually, as the economic activity of man intensified, spruce forestry began to decline, and today this species of spruce in central Europe has been preserved only in the Alps, in the highlands of the Czech Republic and in the south of Poland.

Common spruce
In Northern Europe, the spruce area includes a largepart of Sweden, almost the whole of Finland and a significant part of Norway. On the expanses of the former USSR, it occurs in the Baltic states, in most of Belarus, and in Russia it occupies a forest zone, bounded by the steppe from the south, and from the north by the tundra. Spruce (Picea abies) common often grows in the neighborhood with trees of other breeds, forming mixed coniferous-deciduous forests.

This is a shade tree.The forest, where mostly old tall fir trees grow, produces a depressing impression. It is not without reason that a proverb is invented: in a birch forest, having fun, in a pine forest, praying to God, in a fir-tree forest, to strangle yourself with anguish. Perhaps the person who invented it, and thickened the paint, but not much.

Spruce (Picea abies) ordinary grows to a height of fiftymeters. The crone is a characteristic "triangular" shape. Khvoinki have a square section and a length of up to two and a half centimeters. Fir cones grow to fifteen centimeters long with a diameter of four centimeters. The range of the onset of age, in which seeds begin to ripen on the fir trees, is quite large. In specimens growing in different conditions, the time of seeding begins at the age of twenty to sixty years. Seeding occurs once every four or five years.

Trees that are used for landscaperegistration of the lot, a lot. But, perhaps, one of the first places by right is occupied with spruce. Photo on the background of a Christmas tree (especially on New Year's) - what could be better ?!

Spruce (Picea abies) - Whitewood
Spruce is widely used in landscape design.A large number of varieties of varieties for all tastes are derived. To plant it on its own plot can afford not only wealthy people, but also those whose prosperity is low.

Spruce (Picea abies) ordinary nidiformis occupies a special placeamong the "landscape" firs. In the first place - his unusual appearance. Nidiforms grows very slowly, for a year - by three to four centimeters, not more. By the age of forty its growth reaches a maximum value of 130 centimeters. At the same time, the crown of nidiformis with this dwarf growth occupies an area of ​​up to two meters. Such a prickly green, flattened, charming ball.

Common spruce fir-tree

And her tall sister, a fir-tree, performsnot only decorative functions. It is widely used in the industry for making a variety of things. Telegraph poles, sleepers, tare plate. But this is not all, spruce is suitable for making musical instruments, paper.

From the spruce bark, tannins are extracted, andCones are needed to create a range of medications. Broth of cones is quite successfully treated for respiratory diseases, in particular, asthma. Fungal buds have also been used (also used for medical purposes).

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