/ / Interesting question: bird cherry tree or shrub?

Interesting question: bird cherry tree or shrub?

Who zanet, wild bird cherry - a tree orbush? This plant is familiar to the Russian people, it grows in almost every garden, with it a lot of signs and beliefs. For example, it is believed that if the buds on the bird cherry were revealed, then the spring finally woke up, and the earth became warmer. Bird cherry blooms with luxuriant flower brushes - it's time for the end of the capercaillie current, and the very first mosquitoes appear.

When the bird cherry blossoms, the temperature of the air decreases, a temporary cold snap occurs.

Often people ask: "Bird cherry is a tree or a bush?" The photo of the plant is shown below. We will try to find out the answer to this question in this article.

Bird cherry tree or shrub

Many poets dedicated their poems to thisan amazing, fragrant plant that blooms during the flowering period. In addition to beauty and aromas that bring joy to people, bird cherry still has excellent healing properties. And what does the bird cherry tree look like: a tree or a shrub?

general description

A characteristic feature of the bird cherry tree is its white fluffyflowers. There are no pigments in the petals. This is the purest color given to them by the air. When examining a bird cherry petal under a microscope, many colorless, transparent cells can be seen which are separated by large empty spaces. Thanks to the interbeds filled with air, the petals reflect the sunlight and in this regard seem so white.

A bird cherry is a tree or a bush (photo)

A cherry tree is a tree or a bush. The photo shows a variety of species. The growth of this plant varies from 2 to 10 meters.

The branches and trunk are covered with black-gray matt bark,slightly cracked. Regular leaves are elliptical in shape, slightly wrinkled from below, and matte on top. Usually bird cherry blooms in May. Collected in dense brushes (many-flowered and drooping) of a snow-white color.

Fruits - stems are black, globose, with a diameter of 7-8 mm, delicious, sweet, astringent. The stone of the fetus is round-ovoid in shape. They ripen in July.

Healing properties, use

All parts of the plant are suitable for medicinal purposes.Any bird cherry (tree or shrub) has in its composition phytoncides that kill various kinds of microbes, mold, fungi, flies, ticks, flies, mosquitoes, etc. These properties of the plant are used even in the treatment of ringworm and trichomoniasis.

A bird cherry is a tree or a bush

Tannins found in bird cherry have an astringent effect, are used mainly in diseases of the digestive tract, especially with diarrhea.

The leaves of the plant can be brewed like tea, and drunk in the inflammatory processes of the bronchi and lungs. And fresh flowers after distillation with water vapor (and the distillation itself) are good for eye lotions.

Infusion from the bark for a long time is used as a sweatshop for fever, rheumatism and colds.

Also cherry fruits are used for cooking. Good cherry berries, scrolled through a meat grinder, as a filling for a pie.


In Russia, cherry (tree or shrub) grows in the temperate zone: in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the European part and in the Far East.

Bird cherry tree - a tree or a bush (photo)

The plant prefers rich soils, wet, withclose groundwater occurrence. Primarily the bird cherry grows on the banks of water bodies, in forests and groves at the river (in uremas) and in shrubbery, forest clearings and on sands.

Harvested cherry and harvesting

To heal, undamaged blacks are collected,mature and succulent fruits of cherry, as well as leaves, bark and flowers. To do this, any bird-cherry tree or shrubbery suits. All this is prepared as it ripens (July-September).

Dry fruits when the weather is fine in the air or inoven, oven, etc., at a temperature of approximately 50 ° C, with obligatory periodic mixing. Then everything is sieved through a sieve to get rid of debris. In the dried form, the berry cherries have an acid-sweet taste.

The bark is dried in ovens, dryers and ovens. Flowers - in the shade in the air. The dried raw materials are stored in bags and boxes, in a dry, ventilated room.

Shelf life: bark - 5 years, fruits - 2 years, and flowers - 1 year.

Pharmacological properties

This is such a wonderful bird-cherry tree. This is a tree or shrub (less often). In any case, its usefulness is undeniable.

Ripened fruits have excellent bactericidal, astringent, vitamin, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. They bring the work of the intestines and stomach to normal.

The leaves are rich in vitamins, they act as a stapler in diarrhea. The bark has antipyretic, diaphoretic and diuretic actions.

Flowers are used as wound healing, anti-inflammatory and phytoncidal agents.

Fruit broth

Fruits that have bird cherry (tree or shrub), when taken for food, as mentioned above, can stop diarrhea.

Bird cherry tree - a tree or a bush

A reliable and effective tool for thisAn ailment is a decoction prepared as follows. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of raw material 2 cups of boiling water, then boil in enameled dishes for about 15 minutes. Then the solution is cooled, filtered through cheesecloth, squeezed, its volume is brought to the original with the help of the necessary amount of boiled water. It is taken half a cup before meals three times a day. And it is stored no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

Several medicinal recipes

It does not matter, bird cherry tree or bush. It is important that the plant benefits from solving many health problems. Healers recommend such recipes:

  1. Decoction of bird-cherry bark:200 ml of boiling water is brewed 10 g of bark and boiled for 10 minutes on low heat. It is infused for 2 hours and filtered. It is used as a sweatshop for 1 tsp. before eating with a cold, fever, cough, rheumatism, cystitis and gout.
  2. Infusion with cherry fruits: 20 g of fruit are boiled in boiling water (0.5 L), it is insisted 12 hours in a thermos bottle. It is used 3 times a day for 100 ml with colitis, diarrhea and gastritis.
  3. Decoction of bird cherry leaves:brewed in 200 ml of boiled water 20 grams of leaves, boiled for 5 minutes on low heat and filtered. It is used 4 times a day for 50 ml with gastritis, diarrhea, colitis, with tuberculosis, bronchitis and with coughing.
  4. Leaves can be applied to bruises and abscesses. Also, the mouth is rinsed, which is useful when decaying the teeth, is used for furunculosis.
  5. Infusion of flowers: brewed 10 grams of flowers in 200 ml of boiled hot water and infused for 10 minutes. The filtered solution rinses wounds and ulcers, and makes lotions.

Bird cherry tree or bush

It should be noted that the influence of bird cherry is most significant in the spring, during its flowering period.


Cheremuha common - one of the species of low trees (sometimes shrubs) from the genus of the plum family Pink.

It grows in Russia everywhere: in shrub thickets and in forests. It grows up to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in Asia and in Western Europe. In general, bird cherry is cultivated as a decorative plant.

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